Beneath the Starry Sky

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Kyoya POV

I sighed as I waited for that idiot. He's never on time is he? What is it this time, couldn't find his favorite boxers? Why did I even agree to "go out" with him? So many questions that remain unanswered...

"Kyoya! Mon ami! I'm sorry, I'm a little late. I hope you didn't wait long."

THAT BASTARD... HE WAS HALF AN HOUR LATE! "I HOPE YOU DIDN'T WAIT LONG..." WAS HE MOCKING ME?! I sighed once again as I slapped on a fake grin and replied, "No, not at all. Actually, I just got here as well."

"Ah! So you were running late too, eh?"

HE IS DEFINITELY MOCKING ME. HE IS SO INSENSITIVE. I WANTED TO STRANGLE HIM SO BAD........ Calm down. You can do this. It's only a few hours with him right? And anyways, father wouldn't be pleased if I ruined the Ootori's relationship with the Suoh's. I swallowed my pride and went along with the blond's crazy ideas.

Tamaki... He's so energetic: hopping from display to display, screaming my name whenever he saw something interesting. I couldn't help but smile, watching him acting like a child and seeing Tamaki enjoy himself kind of relieved me. To be honest, he looked... cute...

As night fell, the stars shone and the lanterns glowed. I've seen several lantern festivals, but I was quite impressed by this one. I couldn't believe that commoners could pull off something like this. Tamaki and I were awestruck. The scenery was plain beautiful.

"Kyoya! Kyoya! Look at those lanterns on the water!"

I chuckled and proceeded to follow Tamaki around. No matter how idiotic he was, there's just a part of me that couldn't help but love him...

Time skip to midnight.

"Kyoya, wasn't that amazing? We should've called all of the Host Club to join us."

"No, I think it was fun. Just the two of us, no?"

Tamaki stared at me confused, he tilted his head to the right, then to the left; just like a puppy would. "Would you like to go out with me again, mommy?"

I was somewhat annoyed at him for referring to this as a 'date', "Would you stop thinking of it as a date? This was just a simple get-together, nothing special. I'll never understand the way you think Tamaki."

"But Kyoya, you know I love you, and I know my feelings aren't unrequited. So why won't you accept me?" Tamaki pouted.

I hesitated. Damn, this guy is breaking through my facade... Can I hide it any longer? "I never rejected you, I just never accepted you as my boyfriend. That's all."

Tamaki smirked, "So you do have feelings for me, don't you?"

DAMMIT! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO ANSWER THAT?! "Umm well, I think we should leave this topic for now."

"Oh, hesitant now aren't we? Don't worry, I won't tell anyone." Tamaki whispered. And without warning, he leaned in, making me feel uncomfortable.

"Tamaki, get off of me. NOW."

"Not until I get the answer I want to hear," he said cunningly.

"Tamaki, stop daydreaming and get off of me. You do realize that this is my house and I have the rights to ban you from entering?"

"You really want me don't you? I can feel you getting hard."

Ugh, that dirty minded bastard. I'm going to get him after this. "Fine what do you want me to-"

Tamaki POV

I can feel Kyoya's member getting hard, and I knew that he wanted me. Why won't he just admit it already? He's taking too long.

Kyoya sighed and finally spoke, "Fine what do you want me to-" I rammed my lips onto his, cutting him off. I felt my way into his mouth and played with his tongue. His scent and taste filled my system and I moaned in pleasure. How long I've waited for this moment...

After a moment's hesitation, Kyoya began kissing me as well, the sensation was unbearable. I embraced him tighter and I felt his arms move under my cardigan and onto my bare skin. His cold fingers stroked my waist and every movement just made me want to explore deeper. I pushed my partner onto his bed and grabbed his hair. I'll remember this moment till the day I die.

Time skip to 2:00am

I opened my eyes and saw my lover sleeping peacefully next to me. His milky white skin shone in the moonlight. I stroked his pale cheek and traced his jawline, whispering, "You're mine now." I closed my eyes and fell into a blissful sleep while embracing my beloved Kyoya.


Hello! :-) Thanks for reading! I appreciate it! Leave suggestions and requests in the comments and vote. I love you all so much! >_<

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