Behind Those Hazel Eyes

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What Kyoya thought was a lie. There was somebody watching them, just from a distance. And it wasn't just one person, but it was a duo.

Kaoru POV

"Hikaru, don't hog the binoculars, lemme see too..." I whined.

Hikaru chuckled and handed me the binoculars, "Looks like Kyoya's finally showing his true colours."

I peered through the eyeholes and saw what my twin meant immediately; Kyoya's body was leaned against Tamaki's while the blond had his arm wrapped around his lover. And from where the twins were hidden, it looked as if the dark prince was naked, or at least shirtless.

We always spied on the other Host Club members, but this was our first exciting episode. It was usually just Kyoya studying, milord playing the piano, Honey-Senpai and Mori-Senpai practicing karate, or Haruhi doing some regular commoners' activities. We were already a little suspicious about the two second years' feelings for each other, but this little scene lain in front of our innocent eyes was quite the intriguing picture. And it was also proof of their private relationship. I smirked and went on to observe the couple a little longer.

"Hey, Kaoru, let's keep this dirty little secret to ourselves for now. Then we can use it against them in the future," my twin said with a mischievous smile.

"Why you've read my mind, Hikaru."

There was a moment of silence when we sat in the tree staring into Kyoya's bedroom window, but the silence was broken when Hikaru cleared his throat. "Say, Kaoru, why don't we do that sort of thing too?"

"What sort of thing?"

"Y'know... What milord and Kyoya are doing together. Can't we do it as well?"

"But isn't it considered... taboo?"

With a grin that even I feared, Hikaru leaned in close and purred into my ear, "Then that'd just make it ten times as exciting, right?"

I shivered at those words and hopped out of the tree. Hikaru was probably just joking. "C'mon Hikaru. I'm starving, let's go get some lunch."

I veered away from that disturbing subject. Yes, I loved my brother in a romantic way, but I just wasn't ready to display my feelings yet. I glanced over at my elder brother and sighed. I'm gonna have to tell him soon. Real soon.

Time skip to 7:00 pm

Hikaru POV

Kaoru had looked troubled since lunchtime. Today, he often lost focus and stared into space. I wonder what was wrong? I nudged him in the ribs and glanced at him, "Kaoru, aren't you hungry? You barely ate during dinner."

"Hmm? Me? No, I'm just not hungry today."

After answering me, our room became silent once again. Kaoru sat on the windowsill staring into the orange sunset, while I was sprawled across the bed. I laid there, my eyes focused on the chandelier hanging on the ceiling; its crystals shimmered in the late evening sunshine. I rested my head on top of my arms and sighed. Sometimes I wished that twins were telepathic. That's when Kaoru broke the silence.



"You know the legend about twins right?" he inquired.

"The one that goes: 'When two star crossed lovers commit dual suicide they get reincarnated as twins'?"

"Ya, that one," he replied with a faint smile.

"What about it?" I asked frowning. What was he trying to point out?

Kaoru paused and looked out the window for a moment and replied, "Well, I was thinking... If it was true, then technically we would've been lovers, right?"

"I guess..."

Kaoru looked at me with sad eyes. I sat up in bed and looked at him. He looked like he was going to cry... "Kaoru, are you ok? What are you trying to say?"

A tear rolled down his cheek and fell onto the carpeted floor. "Hikaru, I need to make a confession."

I was confused. What did he mean by... confession? I frowned and looked at him; he didn't look like he was joking.

"Go on."

Kaoru stood up and strode slowly over to the bed where I sat. I swung my legs so they hung off the side of the mattress. Kaoru lowered himself slowly onto the edge of the bed and then gripped his knees.

"Hikaru, don't hate me for saying this. Ok?"

Once again, I was taken aback by his words. Kaoru leaned over and cupped his hands onto my cheeks and caressed them with his thumbs. Awkward? He looked me in the eye and opened his mouth to speak, "Hikaru, I love you."

He rammed his lips onto mine and I was too shocked to react. I had no idea that Kaoru had been hiding something this big from me. I was confused, pleased, stunned, and amazed at the same time. When he pulled away, I still hadn't recovered from my shock.

"Kaoru... I... I..." I stuttered.

"It's alright Hikaru. Now that you know my dirty little secret, I'm happy." And with that, he sprinted out of the room and slammed the door behind him.


Thanks for reading! Leave any suggestions/requests in the comments and thank you again for reading! :)

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