Rhythm of the Rain

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Kaoru POV

His words pierced my heart like a million daggers; my tears haven't stopped since he slammed that door. Standing up from the corner, I made my way towards the window. Pulling back the curtain, I watched as the rain fell from the sky. Thunder crashed in the distance and the weather just made me feel worse.


Even the skies were grey.
Let me drown in thy dismay.

I watch the stormy gloom.
My mind is a stir, a monsoon.


Hikaru POV

The rain fell and dripped down my hair. I leaned back and let the cold drops fall onto my face. "What have I done?" I whispered to myself while covering my face with my hands.

I stared into the sky, hoping that it would give me a solution to my problems. Did I even love Kaoru? Or did I just pity him? Either way, I knew that I was still in love with Haruhi. Kaoru can wait; he'll understand... Right? He is my brother after all...

I got off the park bench and trudged down the muddy pathway. "What should I do?" I groaned.

Haruhi POV

Someone was knocking on the door. I made my way towards the entrance and opened the door a crack. It was dark outside and I couldn't really tell who it was. The slim figure spoke: "Can I come in, Haruhi?"

"Hikaru! What are you doing outside in this weather? You're gonna catch a cold!" I said worriedly as I opened the door completely.

Hikaru stepped in; he was soaked from head to toe.

"Hikaru, why're you outside at a time like this?!"

"I dunno," he mumbled, shaking his head.

By the tone of his voice, I could tell what had happened. "Hikaru, did you get into a fight with Kaoru?"

He simply answered, "Ya."

"Dry up and tell me what happened," I demanded. After a deep sigh, I muttered while handing him a towel, "Kaoru must be worried sick."

Kaoru POV

I stared into the bathroom mirror and looked myself over. I hated myself. So I really am hate-worthy... So hate-worthy that even my twin would reject me. Hikaru must downright despise me.

I crumbled to the ground and sobbed into the rug; this world was so cruel. Curling up into a fetal position, I stared at my hands. What did I ever do to earn this?

Looking once again at the full-length mirror, I wiped my red puffy eyes. I'm ugly aren't I? I'm ugly, I'm stupid, and I'm useless... What else am I? I'm nobody.

I am nobody.

Hikaru POV

"So what happened?" she demanded.

"Chill Haruhi. It's all cool. Nothin's wrong." I replied with a forceful grin.

She frowned and stared into my eyes. Her brown orbs were intense, but yet they were so beautiful. "I know you're lying." Was all she said.

We sat in an awkward silence for several minutes until I decided to have a little conversation. "So where's your dad tonight?"

"Oh, he has to work overnight. He'll be returning around noon tomorrow."

"So you'll be all alone tonight?" I asked awkwardly.

"Yeah... I guess..."

An idea hit me and I smiled slyly, "You do know that it's thundering outside, right? Do you want some company?"

Haruhi hesitated for a moment but nodded slightly.

"Then it's settled. I'll be staying by your side tonight." I said goofily. I earned a slight chuckle from Haruhi and my heartbeat raced. SHE'S SO CUTE!!!


Thunder crashed and lightning flashed,
Illuminating a chamber, so smothered in black.

My tears ran freely as they fell towards the floor,
With every weep, my mind was at war.

My heart beats for you; ever so loudly,
As the thunder booms, something breaks inside me.

With every drop; rain or tear,
I wish you'd come back - I wish you were here.

As I ponder my thoughts, I just want to know:
What is my future, and what does it bestow?


Once again, thank you so much for reading; I hope you enjoyed it! If you have any suggestions, please leave a comment.

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