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Kaoru POV

Hearing the front door slam, I sighed. He doesn't care at all. I stood up and walked towards my bedroom door. "I am hungry," I thought to myself. That idiot... The door wasn't even locked.

Strolling into the kitchen, I opened the fridge to find something to eat. Vegetables, no. Plain bread, no. Ham, no. I sighed and dragged my feet back to my room. "I'm not that hungry," I sighed.

Hikaru POV

I approached Haruhi's home and as I did, her front door swung open. "Glad you could make it!" Haruhi exclaimed, waving for me to come in.

"Was she waiting for me?" I thought to myself, blushing in the process.

Entering the slightly cramped home, a savoury scent welcomed me. "Are you cooking?" I asked awkwardly.

Haruhi giggled and replied, "Yup, homemade." She stepped into the kitchen and disappeared from view. Sitting down at the coffee table, I couldn't help but let my imagination flow. I wonder what Haruhi is making~~~ I can't wait to eat Haruhi's specially prepared meal!

A moment later, Haruhi returned with a steaming pot of food. It smelled heavenly. That's when I noticed how hungry I was; I remembered that I had skipped lunch today. "That bastard made me worry and he won't even talk to me... He's probably sick..." I thought to myself while shaking my head.

"Help yourself," Haruhi said with a smile.

SHE IS SO CUTE OMG *blushes a bright shade of red*

"Umm... Hikaru? You ok? Your face is flushed..."

"Oh, ah I'm fine thanks..." I replied awkwardly. Ugh I just embarrassed myself. What am I even supposed to do in front of Haruhi? I'm just gonna make a fool of myself.

Time skip one hour later.

"Say, Haruhi, would you like to take a walk with me at the park?" I asked uncertainly. "What if she rejects me?" I worried.

At first she looked confused and then her eyes lit up. "Oh! The one they just opened recently? Sure! I haven't been there before, might as well take a look." Haruhi replied.


"KYAAAAAHHHHH THANK YOU HARUHI!!! YOU MAKE ME SO HAPPY!!!" I gushed whilst embracing her.

"Gosh Hikaru, no need to be that friendly," she chuckled pushing me off. "It's kinda creeping me out."

"Sorry," I mustered blushing.

The walk to the park was a short one. The sun had begun to set just as we reached the main entrance.

"Wow! Look at the sunset! Isn't it pretty?" Haruhi exclaimed, leaning onto the railing surrounding the pond.

"Yeah..." I replied dreamily. That's when I decided to make a move. "But not as pretty as you."

Haruhi turned her face to face mine. She stared intently into my eyes with a slight blush on her cheeks and a sparkle in her eyes. The sunlight made her eyes shimmer making me lost in her brown orbs. "You're beautiful, Haruhi," I whispered into her ear seductively.

"Hikaru... I'm not sure.... 'Cause... you know.... Umm..." she stuttered, turning a brighter shade of red.

"You're adorable when you're confused," I said with a genuine smile.

Haruhi turned away and then stared at her feet. "But what would happen to the Host Club if we became... a thing?"

"You mean if we become a couple? Geez, I was hoping we'd keep it a secret for the time being. How about it?" I asked casually. This was actually my first time confessing (I guess Kaoru doesn't really count right now...). What if I did something wrong?

"I don't know," Haruhi answered almost inaudibly. "Tamaki-Senpai won't like it if he finds out... And what about Kaoru? Wouldn't he want to know about us?"

"We'll find out a way to deal with milord. And Kaoru will understand. I'm sure he will. He's my brother after all."

"Alright... I guess we can... y'know..." Haruhi mumbled, still blushing.

"Awe Haruhi, you're the cutest," I gushed taking her hand in mine.

With that, we strolled down the park's path without a worry in mind.

Kaoru POV

It was dark out and Hikaru still hasn't returned from his excursion. Wherever he was, I hope he's safe. I couldn't want anything more than to be in his arms right now. Whenever I was with him, I felt safe and relieved.

He said he'd be by my side no matter what... But where is he now? I need him...

I stood up from the corner where I was sulking. "Now I understand why milord sits in a corner when he's depressed. it really suits the mood," I mumbled to myself.

Stepping into the washroom, I noticed the wounds on my left arm. They didn't sting anymore, but my heart stung more than ever. I stared at the mirror, scanning my features. I had dark rings under my eyes and to help, my skin looked pale and unhealthy. "Tch... Health is the last thing I could care about."


Flowing blood is my escape,
from this insanity; from this great pain.
My world is storming and all is dark,
within this cavern lies my heart,
shattered in pieces by your piercing arrow.
My killer is my saviour,
but you're not returning.

This I know so.


Thank you for reading! It means a lot to me and I appreciate it a lot!!! ^_^

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