We Are Forever

807 31 17

Profane language and material are present in this chapter.

Hikaru POV

I jumped onto the floor and dashed after Kaoru. That idiot! Doesn't he realize that I love him too?! I burst out of our estate. The cool late evening breeze gave me goosebumps, but I didn't care how chilly it was, I was determined on bringing back my Kaoru.

I sprinted down the shadowy walkway and spotted Kaoru about a hundred meters ahead of me. He was headed towards the forest where we used play when we were young children. I followed him into the woods and light was immediately cut off from my world.

Meagre rays of sunlight passed through the dense foliage. It was difficult to see and Kaoru had disappeared into the darkness. "Kaoru! Come back to me!"

There was no answer.


Dammit! Why won't he just come back?!

I jogged amongst the damp trees and caught sight of a large glistening pool of water. It wasn't far off, and from the looks of it, it was the pool that Kaoru and I used to swim in several years ago. I smiled at those memories and headed towards the little pond.

Kaoru POV

I've done it. Hikaru is probably going to hate me forever. What type of brother am I? Tears rolled down my cheeks as I bawled my eyes out. I slumped down next too the pond; my knees immediately got soaked by the rippling waves.

I heard footsteps behind me. Hikaru was probably coming to tell me to get lost. He's going to say goodbye to me. And I'll never see my beloved again...

Those thoughts broke my heart. I crumbled even further into my abyss of darkness and hell.

I didn't care what happened to me anymore.

Hikaru POV

My little brother can be so stupid sometimes. Why would I hate him? I would never hate him. I love Kaoru.

It was getting darker by the second and I couldn't see the overhanging branches that scratched my face and limbs. I stumbled my way through the brush towards the water; towards my lover. Kaoru, come back to me...

Arriving at the pool, I spotted my brother half submerged in the water. What the hell was he doing?! The water was way too cold for playing in. I splashed through the liquid and slumped down beside my brother. In the dim moonlight, I could tell that he was crying.

He looked at me with pained eyes that made me tear up. Why was he so upset? I embraced my little brother and whispered into his ear, "Kaoru, I love you too. And no matter what, I will never let you go."

I felt Kaoru relax and then he returned my hug. He wrapped his arms around my waist and laid his chin onto my shoulder. I gripped him tighter and soothed, "Kaoru, I will always love you. And we'll stay together. Forever."

Kaoru POV

I was relieved. So I wouldn't be losing the one person I care so much about. I smiled and kissed my brother's cheek, earning a shiver from the latter. I smirked and did the same to his neck, earning the same reaction.

The sun had descended past the horizon, and the moon had taken its place in the dark sky. Hikaru's pale skin shone in the dim light. I smiled and closed my eyes; drifting into a peaceful slumber. I felt Hikaru pick me up bridal style, and he strode out of the water with me in his arms. And soon after that, I fell asleep.

Back in the Hitachiin Manor.

"Kaoru, get up."

I groaned and opened my eyes. "What time is it?"

"It's around ten," Hikaru replied.

I squinted as my eyes adjusted to the light. The lamps on either side of our bed were flicked on; Hikaru was sitting on the edge of the mattress, holding my hand. Noticing this, I blushed and shook myself loose from his grasp.

"Kaoru..." he protested. He looked at me with sad eyes that made me feel guilty. Dammit, why's he so cute? I reached over and held his hands in mine.

"Hikaru, if you were lonely, then you should've woken me," I said with a smirk.

Hikaru frowned, looking confused and asked, "What do you mea-"

I leaned in and took advantage of his parted lips. I pushed Hikaru onto the bed as my tongue took dominance. Hikaru fought back, but in the end he admitted defeat and let me take over. Hikaru's hands became tangled in my hair as he pulled me in, deepening our kiss. My body pinned him onto the mattress, and soon, I felt my twin getting hard.

Hikaru moaned as I rubbed my hard member against his. We broke apart, but Hikaru clung onto me, "Kaoru..." he panted. I could see the lust in his eyes; his panting turned me on even more. Leaning in, I kissed him again, this time rougher than the last. During our make-out session, I began unclothing Hikaru. When his shirt was off, we swapped positions so I was on the bed. This is going to be a steamy night.

Hikaru POV

I let out a moan as Kaoru's hand brushed past my nipple. Pinning Kaoru's hands above his head, I used my other hand to remove his shirt, revealing his bare chest. His toned muscles were perfect. It was hard to believe that our bodies were the exact same.

I kissed him lightly on his lips and moved down towards his neck. Kaoru shivered as I proceeded down his body. As I unbuckled and took off his jeans, he let out a quiet moan. I chuckled as I removed his last article of clothing...


If you have any suggestions, please leave them in the comments. I will definitely consider them. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! I truly appreciate it! ^_^

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