Forgotten Regret

352 16 4

"Where am I?"

The bright lights blinded him as his eyelids drifted open, forcing the teen to squeeze his eyes shut once again. Squinting at the white ceiling, he attempted to get up, only to feel a sharp pain in his right abdomen. Hissing, he let his head fall back onto the pillow with a groan.

"I'm not... dead?"

Tilting his throbbing head to the left, he watched with blurred vision as the heart rate monitor formed little waves, signifying that he was indeed alive. Turning slightly to the right, a white curtain blocked his field of vision. "Is this a hospital?"

"Oh! You're awake!" a young nurse exclaimed as she walked past the end of his bed. "How are you feeling?"

"Ugh," he replied, squinting and trying to focus his eyesight.

"Let me do a checkup," the nurse smiled reassuringly and walked towards the several monitors and technology. "It's a miracle you survived, it really is. Your family must be worried sick."

"My... family?..."

"Ah, I believe there was someone here to see you, but he had to leave do to the hospital's curfew."

"Who came to see me?" the teen asked confusedly.

The nurse had a pensive look on her face before replying, "I believe his name was Kaoru... I'll notify him once I'm done here." She gave a bright smile and turned around to continue her work, humming a light jovial tune as the seconds ticked by.

On the other hand, Hikaru was trying to remember who this Kaoru person was. "Who's he? A friend? The name sounds familiar..." he thought to himself, despite the stinging headache. "I feel like I'm forgetting something..." He drifted off into his thoughts for a moment and glanced over to the nurse, realizing that she was done fiddling with the machinery and was now adjusting his casted leg into a more comfortable position. He stared at her until she looked up, slightly embarrassed. "Ah, I should tell you about your condition, shouldn't I?"

"Oh, right." Hikaru said bluntly.

She retrieved a clipboard which hung at the foot of the bed and read, "Three fractured ribs, a broken arm and leg, and severe bruising. Most of the damage was taken on your right side. It also seems that your right lung was punctured by the fragmented rib cage. But it's all been taken care of." She smiled brightly and walked over to the teenager's side. "Is there anything you'd like to ask?"

Hikaru stared blankly at the ceiling and lifted his left arm, almost as if he was grasping for something in the heavens far above. "I want to see this Kaoru person."

The nurse seemed slightly confused by his request but regained her composure almost immediately. "Of course, it's a little late, but I'll contact him for you." She smiled once again and left the room, leaving Hikaru in his thoughts.

"How did I get here anyways?" he wondered aloud.


Kaoru POV

I was sprawled on my bed, an emotional wreck, and pondering about my elder brother. Suddenly, my cell phone rang. After several rings, the tune stopped and a message began playing. Rolling lazily to the side of my bed, I stared at the small mobile with little interest until I realized who was calling.

"This is the Western Ootori General Hospital calling for Kaoru Hitachiin. Our patient, Hikaru Hitachiin, is now in stable condition and visitors are permitted. He has requested your presence. Please come as soon as possible and have a goodnight."

Tears welled up and stung my eyes as I clutched onto my phone, holding it close to my chest. Pushing myself off the mattress, I called for my chauffeur and headed directly to the hospital.


So sorry for the short and late update, I was extremely busy these past few months.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Please vote and comment any suggestions! ❤️

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