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Sorry for not updating! I was extremely busy these past months. Anyways, ENJOY!!! ^_^

Haruhi POV

The morning bell rang in the distance as we all took are seats. The professor began taking attendance once we were all seated.

"Azusa, Kohana."

"Here!" a girl's voice rang out.

"Dagoshi, Sango."


After a few names, I began to zone out.

Hikaru insisted on staying with me last night. He was good company, but it was kinda awkward...

"Fujioka, Haruhi," the teacher called out.

Re-entering the real world, I answered, "Here!"

The teacher continued to call out names and it caught my attention when Kaoru wasn't in the room. The whispers began as the regular guests of the Host Club noticed this as well. Several of them looked worriedly at Hikaru. Did he know where Kaoru was?

"He probably caught a cold," Hikaru explained, brushing it off. "I doubt it's that bad anyways."

Hikaru POV

I was worried. Extremely worried. I tugged at my hair and bit at my lip while staring at the clock. Was Kaoru okay?

My eyes followed the hands of the clock for several minutes until the bell rang. Lunchtime.

I wasn't hungry at all. Kaoru was the only thing on my mind right now.

DAMMIT. I shouldn't have lashed out at him like that... Kaoru was sensitive, insecure, and most importantly, he was my brother. What kind of monster am I?

I slipped into the restrooms and locked the door. I turned on all five of the faucets - the sound of running water always calmed me down.

But it didn't work this time.

I stared into the mirror that covered the whole wall and leaned my forehead onto the silvery glass. "How are you, Kaoru? Are you feeling alright? I'm sorry I was a bitch to you..."

My twin's face flashed into my mind. The pale and frightened face he wore when I had screamed at him. My eyes began to tear up; the image wouldn't leave my mind. What did I do?

Kaoru POV

I was sitting on the ground. My back leaned against the bathtub as I stared into the full length mirror. "Hikaru is the better one," I whispered.

I stumbled to my feet and gripped the polished marble counter. Tears ran down my face as flashbacks from the night before sprang into my mind. Hikaru was so angry; his eyes were filled with hatred.

"STOP IT!" I screamed. And I realized that I was alone. "Stop it," I sobbed. "Please, just leave me alone... please stop..."

My knees gave way and my body met the cold floor once again. Pressing my cheek against the cabinet door, an idea hit me.

"It'd be better if I add a little color."

Reaching into the drawer, I pulled out a razor. I stared at it for a moment...

I watched as the blood seeped out of the wounds and down my wrist. The red droplets fell to the ground, and soon a formed a puddle at my knees. As I bent down to clean up the mess, I noticed that the puddle took the shape of a heart. "Even my blood is mocking me," I mumbled.

The bleeding on my wrist had stopped; but the wounds in my heart would never heal.

I stepped out of the bathroom and laid down on my bed. What time was it? The sun was high up in the sky and my stomach growled. That's when I realized that I had missed last night's dinner, breakfast, and lunch! Oh well, who cares anyways.

Lying to myself was easy these days. I pretended that I wasn't hungry when I was starving. I pretended that somebody cared about me. And I pretended that I was happy. But I never was. Hikaru had left me along with my happiness the day we met Haruhi.

I stared at the ceiling as thoughts ran through my mind. Closing my eyes, I dozed off.

I woke up to the sound of a slamming door. Footsteps stomped up the stairs and Hikaru screamed, "Kaoru! Are you feeling ok?"

Rolling over, I pulled the sheets over my head. Hikaru pounded on my door and wouldn't stop screaming. He's pitying me again. He's just acting like he cares. I ignored him and curled into a ball of despair.

Hikaru POV

He ignored my attempt to cheer him up... He must be really mad at me...

"Kaoru! Open up! I just wanna talk!"


"C'mon! I know I was wrong. I admit it. Now just let me in!"


"You know what? Forget it! If you're gonna ignore me, then so be it!" And I stormed off to my room.

If he doesn't want my help, then I guess I won't help him at all.

I checked my cell phone and noticed a message from Haruhi. FROM HARUHI!!! I was so excited that all my guilt from the night before vanished. I clicked on the icon and Haruhi's voice began speaking:

"Hey Hikaru, Haruhi here. Is Kaoru alright? I'm worried about him. And by the way, my dad decided to go on a little business trip for a week. So if you wanna come over, well... y'know... ummm... just do it? See ya later."

I bounced with joy in my bed. Haruhi invited me to her house! I squealed like a teenage fangirl. Dialling Haruhi's number, I pulled on my jacket. "Hey Haruhi, it's Hikaru. I'm coming over k?"

I bolted down the stairs and out the front door; leaving Kaoru and my worries behind me.



Comment if you have any ideas for future chapters!


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