A Lifeless Dream

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The smell of isopropanol filled his nostrils as he burst through the double doors of the hospital. Small beads of sweat clung to his bangs while he panted for breath. Hurrying to the reception desk, Kaoru held onto the wooden edge for support. His body was frail and unhealthy from lack of proper nourishment, and thus, he was barely able to stand. 

"Hikaru... Hitachiin..." he panted. "How is he?"

The nurse behind the counter blinked confusedly and shuffled a few papers around before checking the computer. "Hitachiin..." she mumbled as she clicked the mouse noisily. "He's in critical condition. No visitors are allowed."

"You've gotta let me see him! He's my brother!"

"I'm sorry, but you've got to wait," the nurse said politely. "He's still being checked up by the doctor. You should be able to see him in a couple hours. I'm sure he'll be all right." She smiled reassuringly, bringing tears to the younger twin's eyes.

Sniffling, Kaoru turned around and trudged towards the waiting room. He stuffed his hands into his pockets and closed his eyes as he plopped down on the closest seat. "I hope he's all right..."

Hikaru POV

Opening my eyes, I looked around.

Everything was dark... 

Where am I? Am I alive? Or am I dead?


"Who's there?!" I shouted out to the void. The voice was so familiar... Who was it?

"Hikaru... Hikaru..."

"Wh-who's there?" I stuttered. "Answer me!" My eyes widened in fright as I searched the blackness. Was it a wraith? Or was my mind playing tricks on me?

As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I lifted my hand to my face and stared at it.  

I looked around once more before I began to run. The darkness engulfed me as I sped past the icy emptiness. 

"Why did you leave me?" the voice haunted me as I attempted to escape.

"Leave me alone... Please..." I whimpered as I ran.

The darkness was overwhelming as I continued aimlessly, turning at random intervals. A bright speck of light appeared before me as I sprinted down the path. Hurrying towards it, I noticed that it was a narrow doorway leading to the outside. Outside of this nightmare.

But no matter how much I ran, the light seemed further and further away. Why? Sprinting faster, I felt my body heat up, beads of sweat dripped past my brow as I picked up my pace. Faster... Faster... Faster!

"Save me, Hikaru..."

"What?..." I whispered, confused at the sudden request. "From what?" Nobody answered and the elder twin was left in eerie silence. Since the voice didn't reply, he began to run once again.

The doorway seemed a little closer as a figure appeared. Was it an angel?

I continued to run, desperate for a way out of this hell.

The figure turned to leave just as I deciphered who it was. "Wait! Kaoru! Wait for me!" I screamed after my brother, but my words never reached him. So he was the voice. These are his thoughts... "Kaoru! Don't leave me here!"

I reached out to him, but he disappeared. Bursting through the bright doorway, I stopped dead in my tracks as my eyes glazed over.

Traffic whizzed below me on a busy city street as I stared down, past the wet, glass balcony. Rain clouds drifted above, tiny droplets of icy water falling from the sky. The wind whipped around me, stinging my eyes. A body was sprawled on the ground below, its limbs jutted out in uncomfortable angles. A pool of blood formed slowly around the figure. As the seconds ticked by, a crowd began to form and some began to panic and scream. Salty tears fell down my cheeks and onto the walkway hundreds of meters below as I realized what had happened. Although I couldn't tell from up here, I knew exactly who it was."Kaoru..." 

Collapsing onto the glass floor, I cupped a hand over my mouth as I let out a muffled scream of remorse. I did this to him... I'm a monster...

I stood up shakily and held onto the edge of the balcony. My hands trembled as I made my final decision. "You don't need to wait any more... I'll be right there by your side." I lifted a leg over the ledge and swung the other leg over in one swift motion. Sitting on the metal handrail, my knuckles whitened as I tightened my grip on the cold, hard steel. The city lights reflected in my damp eyes as I took in my last glimpse of life. 

"What a beautiful way to go... Kaoru."

And I let go.




Hope you enjoyed this chapter. It was quite depressing if you ask me... Remember to vote and comment any suggestions!

I appreciate all the support I've received for this story. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! ^_^

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