Forgiveness is My Poison

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"I'm sorry... But I don't remember anything..." Hikaru looked down at his lap and picked at his nails. "I'm sorry." A lump formed in his throat, guilt flooded into his system as he knew that Kaoru was somehow someone important.

Kaoru sunk onto the end of the bed and gripped the sheets. His knuckles turned a stony white and hot tears fell down his pale cheeks. The expression on his face was one of annoyance, fear, and disappointment. "How could you possibly forget who I am? We look the exact same..."

"We're twins. That's all I can tell you at the moment." Hikaru continued to hang his head and twiddled his thumbs in a nervous manner. Something in his gut told him that there was something that was best left forgotten.

Kaoru let his grimace fall and the corners of his mouth lifted up into a smile. "I guess we can start over then, huh?" He glanced at his brother and looked at the teen's puzzled eyes.

"Uh... Yeah, I guess..." Hikaru stared back at his brother and looked deeply into his eyes. There was a sadness that laid within and somehow, he knew that it was related to him. "Ne, Kaoru... Can I apologize?"

"For what?"

"There's just this feeling that I wronged you in some way... I don't remember how, but I want to set things right."

Kaoru looked at the other blankly and blinked. "Ah... I guess... If there's anything you feel you need to apologize for... But you really don't have to."

Hikaru smiled and took Kaoru's hands into his. Kaoru jumped at the sudden contact but relaxed. "I'm sorry, Kaoru. For whatever way in which I wronged you, I give you my sincerest apologies."

A solitary tear slid down Kaoru's cheek. "It's alright, Hikaru. We can always sort things out later."

Three months later...

"That's the park we played in when we were younger."

"Let's go."


"Let's go play. You push me on the swings."

Hikaru raced towards the sandy pit where a red and blue swing set stood. "C'mon! Somebody's gotta push me!" He laughed and kicked his feet impatiently. Kaoru sighed and trotted over to his elder brother.

"You'll never grow up, will ya?" he joked.

Hikaru pouted but gave a goofy grin as he began to soar in the air. "Y'know, I don't really remember what we did together before, but I hope it was this much fun."

Kaoru's face contorted into a fearful frown for a split second. He was glad that Hikaru had been facing in the opposite direction. "Yeah... We had a blast together."

"That's good to know."

Kaoru's eyes clouded over as he continued to mindlessly push his twin on the swings. He recalled the most prominent memories in his timeline:

"Their first day at preschool. Everyone picked their cubby partners, and they were alone. But they had each other.

Sitting alone at lunchtime and recess because nobody asked them to join in on the game of tag. But they weren't too lonely - they had each other.

Their seventh birthday party when their mother and aunt made them dress up as girls. They were embarrassed. But at least they did so together.

It was middle school and a blond idiot asked them to join some outrageous club. They had their share of fun and joined. And they did this together.

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