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Evan sat on the couch while (Y/n) made super, she wanted to make something as she felt like she was a nuisance. He told her she wasn't, yet she still wanted to help. He quickly got up and ran to his room, Habit was coming back. He closed his door and lied on the bed, his vision began to blur till it was nothing. there in his place was the sadistic person name Habit, He smiled as he sat up. He looked around and frowned.

" What a smart rabbit, though that's not stopping me," He said as he got up and opened the door.

He walked down the hall and towards the living room, he smiled as he heard her voice.

" Hey Vinnie can you check on Evan, he didn't seem well" Your voice echoed through the hall.

" Yeah, give me a second" his voice echoed through the hall.

Habit smiled as he walked down the stairs, his eyes a dark blue as he glared down the stairs. Vinnie walked into view and smiled at the body of Evan.

" Are you ok Evan," he asked with a smile.

" Hello Vinnie, I see that you still can't tell the difference between me and Evan," Habit said softly.

Vinnie backed up till his back hit the wall, he looked to the living room where the kids played.

" (Y/n) I'm taking to the park," he yelled with fear in his voice.

You stood there confused, why would he take your kids out this late. unless Habit showed up, you froze and slowly turned your head to see if he was behind you. Your eyes widen as you saw him, a big smile on his face while his eyes stared you down like a wolf staring its prey down. You flinch as Vinnie slammed the door close while he left with the kids.

" Hello (Y/n) miss me," he said with a laugh at the end.
Vinnie walked to the park holding the twins while the two girls walked beside him, they didn't care what was happening they just wanted to go to the park. He sighed as one of the twins began to shift in his arms, he looked around and headed out of the woods.
" Why are we going to the park so late," one of the girls asked.
" Your mom has to do some stuff right now," he said as the child turned around and walked onto a path that led out of the woods.

A Rivals Love ((Habit/Evan) x reader)Where stories live. Discover now