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Evan woke up his eyes darting around the room, how long was he gone. He sat up and scooted off the bed and headed downstairs, he stopped when he saw some of the shoes gone. He looked in the living room, it was a mess like someone was getting out as fast as they could. He looked in the kitchen, he froze at the sight of blood.

" (Y/n)," he called out.

Nothing but silence, he began to panic

" Vinnie, anybody. Hello?" He yelled as he began to search.

The front door creaked open, Evan headed upstairs.

" Hello?" Evan yelled out

" Evan, is that you?" Vinnie yelled.

Evan ran to the stairs, his eyes full of fear. Vinnie smiled, it was him his friend.

" Thank god it's you, where's (Y/n)?" Evan asked.

" Isn't she here?" Vinnie said as he handed the girls the kids.

The girls walked to the living room

" No, but I found blood in the kitchen," Evan said with a straight face.

" Try to remember," Vinnie said.

Evan sighed and tried, only (Y/n) being naked and few instances of him onto of her. Evan shooked his head and looked at Vinnie, who looked around.

" Was there a note?" Vinnie asked

Evan walked down the stairs and looked in the kitchen, he stopped as he saw a paper on the counter. He picked it up and began to read.

' she in the hospital before you continued to read go outside cause the memories will flood back, the kids don't need to see my host cry.' Evan walked outside away from the house. ' I raped her' Eva froze the memorize flooding in her screaming in pain the blood. 

Tears fell from his eyes, he kept reading.

' she is in the hospital, if you try and see her while she there I'll do it again' Evan dropped the note.

He threw up, his legs feeling weak. Vinnie ran outside and towards him.

" Where is she?" he asked.

"Hospital, Habit raped her," he said as he stood up and looked at his friends with teary eyes.

" She'll be alright, just relax she'll be home soon," Vinnie said. 

Evan nodded as he slowly walked to the house.

A Rivals Love ((Habit/Evan) x reader)Where stories live. Discover now