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Laughter, that's all he heard. He was stuck in his realm, when was he going to let him out. When was he going to end his sickening game, he sighed as he kept walking in the maze. The lights from each entrance had colours of red, blue, green, or purple, he signed as he sat down. The laughter echoing through the maze, he was too stressed to keep going. He just wanted to go back to his horrible life, where he had some control.

" wake up," a voice laughed out.

He opened his eyes to see white, just white, nothing but white. He looked to his right to see a bed, which was pure white. This was a familiar room, he slowly look to his left. He smiled as he saw his love next to him, there you lied on the ground next to him. You looked tired, he stood up and grabbed his clothes. He quickly got dressed before grabbing Your clothes, he walked back to you and lied down. He placed your clothes next to you, he smiled as he watched you sleep. He was happy you were safe, he closed his eyes and drifted asleep. He just wanted to be next to you. An hour had passed and you stirred awake, you let out a yawn and looked around. You smiled as you saw even sleeping next to you, you slightly shook him till he awoke. He looked at you and smiled, you smiled back as you sat up. Evan got up and smiled as he helped you up, you grabbed your clothes and got dressed. Evan looked around the room, he wasn't surprised to find no door. He walked back to you and pulled you into a hug, you hugged back as you worried about your kids.

" you alright," he asked as he pulled away.

" Yeah just worried about my kids," he sighed as he sat down.

You sat next to him as you rested your head on his shoulder, he smiled he listen to your breathing. You were such a beautiful, one of a kind. He was lucky he had you, you were the only few things that kept him sane. Though he knew something bad was coming, he worried you would get hurt. That he would lose you, he looked at you and smiled. He was just happy you were with him, he hardly got to spend time with you due to habit. You smiled as you closed your eyes, you were still tired. Evan smiled as you slept on him, he sighed as he glanced around, still no doors.
He sighed as he waited for his so-called friend to show up, a twig snapped to the left of him.

"you're finally here, took you long enough," he said as he glanced at the hairless creature.

It let out a small gurgle as if it was talking, though he knew exactly what he said.

" I don't care if that stick in the mud had you working, all I need for you is to be ready in October. This shit show I put on is going to come to an end, I need you to film for me." He said with a twisted smile.

The creature gurgled again before walking away, he rolled his eyes and head back to the host's house.

"Fucking skinwalker, has no respect,".

A Rivals Love ((Habit/Evan) x reader)Where stories live. Discover now