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WARNING: this contains self-harm proceed at your own risk


'Tick, tick, tick, tick," the clock echoed through the house.

Everybody was asleep, yet you could hear that stupid clock. You couldn't stop thinking about that night, it was bothering you. You sighed as you opened your eyes, you looked over to see Evan's body next to you. He was fast asleep, you crawled off the bed and headed to the bathroom. You stopped at the door, your hand shaking as you reached for the door. You grabbed the handle, twisting it, and pushed on the door. The door made a quiet click, you walked in and closed the door locking it behind you. You walked to the sink and opened the counter door, you grabbed a razer. You looked at it, your eyes staring at the blades. You twisted the razor till the razor blade broke off, and land on the ground. Your fingers began to hurt, the blade had cut your fingers. Blood began to drip onto the ground, you looked away and grabbed the razor. You place the small blade on the side of the tub, you began to run the tub tap before plugging the tub. You watched as the hot water began to rise, you looked away from the tub and began to undress. You dropped your clothes on the floor and climbed into the tub. You let out a gasp as the water burned your skin, you turned on the cold water. You stood there till the water was bearable, you turned the water off and sat down in the water. You grabbed the razor and began to cut into your skin.


Habit turned over, he reached for you. He felt nothing but an empty space, he sat up and looked around. He stood crawled off the bed and began to look for you.

' Creeeaaak,' the floor screamed under his weight.

He stopped as he stood at the top of the stairs, his eyes looking for any sign of life. Nothing, he sighed as he went down the stairs. He walked to the living room once he got off the stairs, nothing again. He looked in the kitchen, nothing. He walked back up the stairs and headed to the bathroom. He smiled as he heard movement from the bathroom, he stopped at the door before opening the door. He slowly opened the door, small droplets of blood next to your clothes.

" (Y/n) are you in here?" he asked as he walked in.

" Leave me alone," you said as you closed the curtains.

He stopped as he smelled warmblood, he walked to the tub and pulled them open. He froze in fear as the tub was full of blood, the water now blood red. He grabbed you pulling you out of the tub with force, you let out a yelp.

" What did you do?" he yelled as he ripped the blade out of your hand before throwing it across the room.

You began to cry as reality set in. He looked at the cuts, they had stopped bleeding for a while.

" Why did you do this," he said as his voice began to crack.

You only let out a cry as you looked away, he grabbed a towel and began to dry you while he looked for cuts. He pulled you up as he dried the rest of you, you only cried. He pulled you to your feet and picked you up and carried you to the bedroom, he wasn't taking his eyes off you for a while.

A Rivals Love ((Habit/Evan) x reader)Where stories live. Discover now