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'Bam' you jumped as lighting hit the ground.

You sighed as you rubbed your eyes, the worst way to wake up. You got off the couch and walked to the window, it was dark outside. It was probably night though you couldn't tell, you walked away from the window and headed to the children's room. The floor creaked as you walked, it made you wince. Stopping at the stairs, then going while leaning on the wall. As you got to the top you looked down the hall, empty. You Walked quietly as to avoid waking anyone, yet the floor still creaked as you walked. You sighed as you stopped at their door, you turned the nub and pushed the door open. You smiled as you saw them sleeping, you closed the door and walked to Evans's room. Wincing at every creak the floor made, yet you still walked. You couldn't go back to the couch, it was hurting your back, But you would. You got to Evans's door, you pushed it open, and saw Evan sitting on his bed.

" Evan?" you said softly.

He looked up at you and gave you a small smile.

"Hey, (Y/n) what are you doing up," he asked as he rubbed the back of his neck.

" The storm woke me up," you said as looked at the window.

" How are you doing," he asked as he looked down.

" I'm fine, a little sleepy," you said as you leaned on the wall.

" I'm sorry for what I did, that night," he said as he kept his eyes on the floor.

" You didn't hurt me, he did so you have to stop blaming yourself," he looked at you and sighed.

" I know, but it-," you interrupted him.

" No buts it wasn't your fault stop doing this to yourself," you said as you pushed yourself off the wall.

He nodded and looked up at you.

" Why are you so kind, why do you care for me. You don't even know me, so why do you care," he said as his hands shook.

" Because someone has to," you hissed.

he looked down and sighed, someone had to he thought to himself. Vinnie and he gave up caring, it only backfired on them.

" You shouldn't care it'll get you killed," he said.

" Than I die doing something good, and not a dame robot," you said

" I can't care, every time I care people die," he said as he shook.

" People die every day, caring or not," the room went silent.

" I don't want to lose you, he'll hurt you so stop please," he said as he let out a sob.

" he'll hurt me regardless, just don't let him in your head," you said as you looked back at the window.

He sat there in silence, the only sound was the thunder.

" It's not easy," you looked at him.

" I know but you have to try, just treat him like a child," you said as you walked to him.

" A child, he acts like one," he laughed slightly.

You laughed at his statement, while he looked at you.

" You have a pretty laugh," he said.

" Thanks," you said quietly.

He nodded and looked back at the floor, he made this weird he thought.

"I like you," he said knowing there was no going back.

You looked at him stunned, you never knew he liked you like that.

" I'm sorry that came out of nowhere just ignore me-" you interrupted him with a kiss.

His eyes widened before closing them and began to kiss you back. He wrapped his arms around your neck pulling you closer. You moved your hands from his shoulders to his face, cupping his cheeks. You smiled as you pulled away, taking a breath. Evan smiled as he looked at you.

" didn't know you liked me," Evan said with a smile.

" Don't be cocky," you said sitting next to Evan.

You jumped as lighting hit the ground, he chuckled as he pulled you into a kiss. You kissed back as he pulled you onto his lap, pulling away once again.

" ready," he asked as tried to wiggle his eyebrows.

You nodded as you tried not to laugh, he smiled as he grabbed the bottom of your shirt and pulled it up and off your body. You grabbed his shirt and pulled his off, while Evan undid your bra. He pulled it off and threw it in a corner, he smiled as he saw your chest. He pulled you into a kiss as his hands slid up your sumac to your chest, you gasped as he squeezed your breast. He smiled as he pulled away, he grabbed your waist and flipped you onto the bed. You smiled as he pulled your pants off, throwing them to the ground. He stripped down till he was only in boxers.

" are you sure you ready," he asked as he looked at you.

You nodded as you pulled your underwear off, he smiled as he pulled his boxers off and pulled you close. He positions himself at your core, he looked at you. You nodded and he smiled, he slowly pushed himself into you. You let out a soft gasp as you let your head fall back, he stopped and looked at you worried.

" I'm fine, I'll tell you when to stop alright," you said with a smile.

He nodded and pushed himself deeper, stopping when he no longer could go deeper. He sighed as he slowly began to thrust, you let out a quiet moan. He smiled and began to go faster, you gripped the blankets as you let out small moans. He smiled and grabbed your legs bringing them over his head, he slammed into you. You let out a loud moan as you arched your back.

" Fuck," you moaned.

He smiled as he slammed I to you once again, you gasped as your eyes rolled back. He went back to a normal pace as he held your now-shaking legs in place. Evan let a grunt as your lower regen area tightened as you came to your first orgasm.

" God," Evan moaned as he slammed into you.

You opened your eyes after coming from your short high, you notice he was close.

" please not in me," you moaned out.

He nodded as he thrust a few times before pulling out and ejaculating on your stomach. He flopped next to you, glancing at you.

" That was good," Evan said.

You nodded with a smile. You closed your eyes and drifted asleep, God you were tired.

A Rivals Love ((Habit/Evan) x reader)Where stories live. Discover now