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The sun began to rise, you and habit lay next to each other. While Vinnie prepared breakfast, Habit opened his eyes and looked at you. He smiled and got up and got changed, he sighed as he looked at you with a smile. He grabbed a clean pair of clothes and changed you into the clothes, before putting you under the covers. He smiled and walked out of the room, he walked down the stairs. Stopping at the last step, he looked at the kitchen and sighed. Vinnie was still here, he sighed and walked into the kitchen.

" When are you leaving for the job," he asked as he sat down

" After I made breakfast for everyone, I don't trust you with the food. Not since the accident," Vinnie said as he looked at habit.

" That was an accident, I didn't mean to give everyone food poisoning. I mean how was I supposed to know chicken wasn't meant to be pink when it's cooked," Habit said as he looked at Vinnie annoyed.

Vinnie sighed and put the food on the last plate and put it in the cupboard, he walked out of the room and came back seconds later with a backpack. He packed a few snacks and some medical supplies, zipped the bag up and left the house. Habit smiled and grabbed his plate and sat down, he began to eat as he thought of his plan. He would have (Y/n) out of the house before he finished his plan, he knew she would get in his way. The floor behind him creaked, he looked back to see you standing there tiredly.

" Good morning, (Y/n)," he asked with a smile.

" Good morning," you said as you grabbed your plate and sat down and started to eat.

He looked back at his food and began to eat.

" I was thinking of putting g you in a different house, you'll be in the city again but ill visit you. It's just too dangerous out here, I can barely keep track of Vinnie," he said with a small smile.

You smiled and nodded, you couldn't speak as you had food in your mouth.

" anyways after breakfast, you should get everything packed so I can bring you to the house, I'll bring you food as well," Habit said as he stood up and put the dish in the sink.

You nodded and finished the food off your plate, you stood up and put your dish in the sink. You walked out of the room fn into your room, you packed your clothes in your bag. Zipping it up and putting the bag next to the bed, habit walked in with a smile.

" I'll get the kids up, you pack their stuff," he said with a smile.

You followed him into their room and began to lack their stuff, while habit got them out of the room for breakfast. You put the bags on their bed, you walked out of the room and back downstairs. You walked into the kitchen and helped Habit with the twins, who seemed fussy today. After breakfast, you grabbed all the bags and followed Habit through one of the doors which led into a house. You put the bags down and looked at the furnished living room.

" Don't worry every room is furnished," habit said with a smile.

You nodded and put the bags in your room, Habit smiled as he waited for you to come back. You set the bags on your bed before walking back to Habit, he smiled and walked back through the door. You followed him, he stopped in the living room and picked up the twins.

" come on girls," you said as the twins looked at you with a smile.

They followed you to the door and into the bee house, you smiled as you watched the girls run pasted you. Habit handed your the twins before leaving you in the room, you looked back to the door though it was gone. You sighed as you set the twins down in the playpen, you smiled glad your kids could have a normal life. You went back to your room and unpacked the bags putting your clothes away in your dresser, you put the kid's clothes and toys in their room. The bags went into your closet, you had no use to them. You walked back downstairs and watched the kids play, while you waited for habit to come back with food. He showed up around five pm with bags of food, leaving them on the floor before leaving. You sighed as he had no time to spend with you, though you knew it would be safe if he didn't bring his plan to your house. You knew what he deals with, you didn't need it to be here. You put the groceries away, before preparing super for the kids. You made them grill cheese, setting them on the plate so it could cool down.

" Girls supers ready," you said as you cut up the baby's grill cheese so it was chewable.

The girls grabbed their food and began to eat their food, you put the babies in their high chairs. You grabbed their food and began to feed them, she sighed already missing the chaos. Though it was for the best.

A Rivals Love ((Habit/Evan) x reader)Where stories live. Discover now