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The morning had arrived and you were fast asleep, you were drained from yesterday. The door open and Habit walked in, he smiled as he saw you asleep. It's been a while since he saw you like this, you looked relax. He hadn't seen you like in a while, he sighed and sat next to you as he kept his eyes on you. He moved his hand to your arm, he smiled at your soft skin. He found it weird that people put lotion on their skin, it was unnecessary and a waste of time. He moved his hand as he watched you, he smiled as he thought of last night. It had been a while since you said his name like that, you usually said it cold or with annoyance. He looked away and got up, he walked out of the room and downstairs. He had to visit someone to make a deal, he really didn't want to go but it kept people off his back. It was less work and fewer people in his way, he had enough on his plate already. He grabbed his knife and left the house, walking into the trees. The sun began to rise and Vinnie woke up and walked to the kitchen, he had to make breakfast. It was the only few things that kept him sane, it was the one thing he had control of as his life was a mess. As he got to the kitchen he sighed and walked to the fridge and pulled out a hand full of eggs, he placed them on the counter and grabbed a firing pan. Turning on the stovetop and put the pan on there. He grabbed some butter and put a slap of butter down, he waited a few seconds before cracking an egg. He watched as he cooked the egg and put it on the plate when it was done, he would give it to everyone when they came back. He sighed turned off the stovetop and put the pan in the sink and drenched it in water, he walked away and sat down in the kitchen seat, grabbing his book and began to read.

' tic, tic, tic, tic,' the clock ticked as the minutes went by fast.

Vinnie sighed as he finished his books, he put the book down and stood up. He walked to the basement and down the stairs, he knew there were more books down there. Once he got to the ground he walked to the furthest wall where the bookcase was, he smiled as he grabbed another book. It was thick around a thousand pages, he knew he would be reading for a while. He walked to the stairs, he slowly climbed up as his legs hurt. Once he got out of the basement he closed the door and walked to the kitchen to read, this was the only thing that passes the time. An hour had passed and everyone was getting out of bed, You on the other hand were in the bathroom taking a shower. You were washing everything off from last night, you sighed as you scrubbed off the sweat. Why did it have to be stuck to your skin, you shook your head and rubbed more soap on your body. Putting the soap down and scrubbed more, your skin turned red as you scrubbed off the first layer of skin. You sighed as you turned off the tap and got out of the shower, you grabbed a towel and dried yourself off. You wrapped the towel around your body and left the room, walking to the room you slept in. You grabbed a fresh pair of clothes and got changed, once done you walked out of the room and down to the kitchen. You smiled as you saw everyone at the table eating, Vinnie was feeding the twins.

" how's it going," you said with a smile.

" It's going good, Habit is out right now," Vinnie said as he looked at you.

You nodded and sat down, you let out a sigh and put your head down. You were still tired, the shower didn't help. You found it weird as a shower always worked.

" you alright," he asked.

You looked up and smiled.

" Yeah, just tired," you said as you looked at Vinnie.

He nodded and went back to feeding the twins, you got up and walked out of the house and sat on the porch. You took in a deep breath as you looked at the forest, summer was coming to an end.  

A Rivals Love ((Habit/Evan) x reader)Where stories live. Discover now