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Vinnie sat at home, It been a week since (Y/n) went to the hospital. Evan hadn't been the same, he was always in his room. He would never leave it unless everyone was asleep, even then he hardly left. Though Today he was gone, Vinnie had a feeling that Habit took over.

' thump,' Vinnie looked over to see the two girls playing with each other.

He sighed as he looked at the hallway that led to the front door, what was happening today. He stood up and walked to the kitchen to make a snap for the kids, they hadn't eaten lunch yet. He opened the cupboard and grabbed the box of noodles and placed it on the counter, he decided against a snack but have them have lunch. He grabbed a pot and filled it halfway with cold water before putting it on the stove, he turned on the burner and walked to the fridge to look at what was left in the kitchen utensil. He smiled as he saw the last brick of cheese, he could make mac and cheese. He nodded as he grabbed it walking to the counter and pacing it down, he began to look for the cheese grater. He smiled as he looked at the bottom drawer, he picked up the grater and placed it on the counter next to the cheese. He grabbed a bowl and placed the grater in it, he quickly opened the cheese and began to grate the cheese. He smiled once the bowl was full, he wrapped the no grated cheese up and put it away. He walked to the pot and stirred it, the noodles danced around the spoon. He nodded as he bent down and open the counter door, he grabbed the strainer. He stood up and grabbed the pot, he walked to the sink and held the strainer over the sink before pouring the pot's insides into the strainer. He placed the pot down and onto the counter as he dumped the noodles back into the pot. He grabbed the cheese and dumped it into the pot, and began to stir till the cheese melted into the noodles. He grabbed two more bowls before spitting the noodles up and served it to the girls. His head shot up as the front door opened, he smiled slightly as he saw (Y/n) walk through the door.

" Hey (Y/n)," Vinnie said with a smile.

" Hey Vinnie how's it going," she said as she rubbed her eyes.

" I'm good, how about you," he said.

" Tired," She said as she walked away and towards the bedroom.

" Take the kids to the park, she needs to sleep," Habit said as he walked outside.

Vinnie nodded as he watched the kids eat, waiting for them to finish so they could go to the park.

A Rivals Love ((Habit/Evan) x reader)Where stories live. Discover now