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The rain danced on the roof of the small cabin, it was night and the storm was hidden due to the night sky. The kids were asleep, and Vinnie was reading in his room. You on the other hand were still on the porch, watching the rain spill off the roof. You had nothing better to do, plus you had a feeling something bad was going to happen. You felt it in your bones, something was going to happen soon. You hoped you didn't see it, you let out a sigh and got up. You walked back inside closing the door and walked to the room, as you entered the room you flopped onto the bed. God you were tired, you closed your eyes and fell asleep. The night played its course, cars driving on the road. Killers and creatures hiding in the woods, as their prey was out of their reach. Habit stood in the trees, drenched in water. His hat only thing keeping his face dry, he sighed as looked around. The person he was supposed to meet hadn't shown up, he was annoyed. He sighed and started to walk away, yet again he skipped the meeting. He was going to find him and skin him alive, he had better things to do. As he walked deeper into the woods, the feeling of eyes on him got stronger. He wasn't scared but annoyed, he would fight them if they showed their face. The closer he got to the cabin the fewer eyes he felt on him, he smiled to himself. Many people in the woods knew not to fuck with him, he was a god in many eyes and he wasn't afraid to use his power on anyone. People hated him for a reason, yet they feared him as well. As he got to the cabin he smiled, it brought him joy. Not because of the people there, but the memories of him slaughtering the family that lived there. He loved the begging of the mother begging him not to kill her kids, and the father offering his wife as a slave and his kids to take his place. He loved that man's sound when he cut him into pieces, the kids crying for their mother was priceless. If he could he would relive it over and over again, though he would kill the kids in front of their mother. He walked into the cabin with a small chuckle, he took off his shoes and walked to the bathroom. He quickly undressed and got in the shower, washing off the rainwater and sweat. He found the human body weird yet interesting, he turned off the tap and got out of the shower. Grabbing a towel and drying himself off, he sighed as he looked in the mirror. He sighed as he looked at the cuts on his body, he would have to fix them. He wouldn't want to have his host broken, he opened the mirror and pulled out rubbing alcohol, and poured it on his cuts. He chuckled at the pain, before wrapping himself up. He put the bottle away, wrapping his body with the towel and walked out of the room. He walked to his room, not bothering to be quiet. As he got to his room he closed the door and threw the town in a corner, he walked to his dresser and got dressed. As he got the last clothing on he looked at the bed, he smiled seeing you asleep. He walked to you and picked you up, putting you under the covers and tucked you in. He crawled next to you and lied down, he smiled as he watched your sleeping face. You looked relax and calm, he hadn't seen you like this in a long time. He knew you didn't trust him, he really didn't care. He would think you were stupid if you trusted him, anyone that trusted him was dead or stupid. One that trusted him that was alive was Vinnie, he always reminds him of how stupid he is. He finds it funny seeing his face look pale like he had lost hope and was reminded that he killed all his friends. You shifted in your sleep, snuggling close to him. He smiled as he put his arm around you. You smiled slightly as you let out a deep breath, he chuckled to himself. The whole night he watched you sleep, he had no use to sleep.

A Rivals Love ((Habit/Evan) x reader)Where stories live. Discover now