34 | suspicious person

124 14 4

We were on our way home to Seoul because our live performance was over and I didn't expect many would come.

I was next to Jeun while the three members were in front of us sitting. All members have fallen asleep because they were tired earlier and it is 2 am now, it's already late that's why.

I opened our IG account to thank our fans who watched our live performance in Daegu and also to post my selfie.

After I posted my selfie I thought of opening my account before. I've deleted all my pictures before so fans won't know that I have an account before.

I didn't hesitate to message the man who always messaged me here on instagram. I really want to know if that's him.


are you the man who
took the picture of me?

Please tell me it's you
because I'm scared!

You're scaring me!

Answer me!

After 3 minutes of waiting finally I recieved a reply. I hope he says that he is because if he is, I won't hesitate to trace him.


it's not me.

What are you saying?

C'mon pls! Stop lying,
I know it's you!

You texted me earlier
didn't you? Then you send a picture
of me entering where we will rehearse
in Daegu.

I don't know
what you're saying.

I'm not living in Daegu it's

You live in Daegu
that's what you told me.

Yes I told you that I used to
live in Daegu but that was before.

I moved to Busan 2 months ago.
And I already told you
I'm not a stalker.

What is your reason, why do you
always message me here on ig?

I just want to know who you are.
You may be a bad person
so I'm asking you who you are.

Sorry for the term "bad person"
but I just want to protect
myself you may be a saesang .

I like you ok?


I liked you when
I first saw you but
I haven't realized yet before.

you're beautiful and kind.

At that time when you're just a trainee.
You are insecure in your face.

That's why I make this account to
cheer you up. That you're beautiful.

I want you to know
that you are beautiful.

When you were finally confident
in your face, I was very happy.

But I never thought you
would accuse me that I am
a saesang.

COLD HEARTED PERSON || MYG ||Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon