44 | His courtship

115 14 2

did i hear wrong?

he will court me?


"I will court you, to prove to you that I regret everything I did to you."

I gave him a confused look but was immediately replaced by poker face.

"Just leave, you're just wasting your time." I said as I turned my back on him but he stopped me.

"Please Aera, give me a chance to prove to you that I really love you and I regret using you before." He beg

I could hear my co members in the back begging me as well.

I can do nothing but allow Yoongi to court even against my will.
Yoongi entered our dorm while smiling as well as my co members, I'm the only one frowning here.

I would have sat in the farthest place so that Yoongi and I wouldn't be close but Yeona was already there so I had no choice but to sit next to Yoongi.

"why are you frowning unnie? Don't you like him to be here?" Yeona asked.

"Isn't obvious?"

"Maybe we'd better leave you two here first so you two can talk." Aisa suddenly said, I glared at them to stop them from leaving but they already went to their rooms.

I sighed.

"You're still cute even if you're frowning." Yoongi chuckled.

"You know Yoongi, you're just wasting your time here. It's better to just go home and live on VLIVE for your fans."

"I did that earlier before I went here didn’t you watch?"

"Why should I watch your live" I scoffed.

Suddenly the surroundings became quiet and none of us spoke.

I noticed that he was still holding the flower and mango. I couldn't help but look at the mango he was carrying because it looks delicious.

"You want this mango?" He suddenly asked, maybe he noticed me looking at the mango earlier.

"No thanks." I said.

"I know it's your favorite, it's all yours." He smiled.

Kinuha ko na ang mga mangga na hawak nya. Alam nya pa lang paborito ko 'yong mangga.

Pumunta ako sa kusina para hiwain ang mga mangga at balatan, nilagay ito sa plato at bumalik na ulit ako sa sala. Doon na ako umupo sa harap nya at sinimulan ko nang kainin yung mga mangga.

"You want?" I offered him because he might also want to eat.

"I'm full, you can eat that all. It's all yours" He smiled.

Nag patuloy na akong kumain at napansin kong hawak hawak nya pa rin yung bulaklak. Hindi ba para sa akin yun?

"Is the flower is for me?? Why don't you give it to me?"

"Y-yeah it's for you, I thought you didn't want this flower so I no longer intend to give it to you.." he shyly chuckled

"No, It will be a waste of your money if I don't take it, so I'll take it now." I said and he immediately handed me the flower he was holding while smiling.

"By the way, I made a song for you.. I will give it to you next week." He smiled and I just slightly nodded.

° ° ° ° °

A few minutes later he will go home now and nothing much happened earlier because I didn't speak much and maybe he was shy to talk to me.

"I'll leave now, I'll text you later." He said he winked at me.

COLD HEARTED PERSON || MYG ||Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon