40 | Forced Love

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“Love cannot be forced. It has to come from within.”

It's been a month since that picture was spread and now I feel a bit relieved because the media and the fans don't talk much about that issue anymore. But it is still not known who posted it.

When those photos spread, many fans said that I was the one with Yoongi in the photo. Although it's true, I just chose to keep quiet as well as our agency. Bang Pd immediately found out about that issue when the pictures spread of course we were both scolded at that time because we hid our relationship to him. But he agreed that we had a relationship and he was not against it. Our agency doesn't have any post about that issue if it's true that Yoongi and I are dating or not. Until the issue about Yoongi and me subsided.

Even though the issue is not talked about much anymore, the hate I receive from the fans is still there. Especially on the day those photos spread I received so much hate. The other fans even went in front of the bighit to watch out for me and say hurtful words. I had anxiety and was afraid of going out and face a lot of people because of that issue.

But now I'm okay and Yoongi and I are still together but we only see each other once in a while because he's so busy and he's a bit late to reply to my texts.

I understand him and I'm not complaining about that. I am also a busy person so I understand.

° ° ° ° °

Today is our rest day and I plan to visit Yoongi in their dorm because it was a week ago when I last saw him. And he also said yesterday that today is their rest day so this is the perfect time for us to meet.

"where are you going unnie?" Aisa asked.

"To Yoongi, it's been a week when I last saw him." I respond as I put the tangerines in the container that I will bring.

"You miss him so much, don't you?" Yeona suddenly showed up with a giggle.

I chuckled. "Yeah.."

"Did he know you were going unnie?" Aisa asked again.

"Honestly, he didn't know." I laughed.

"Actually surprise visit, but I think he knew I was going because I said yesterday that today is our rest day." I said.

"Bye girls I'll leave now!" I bid a goodbye.

"Bye take care unnie!"


I'm the only one in our dorm now because the other members are in the gym and jimin and hobi went somewhere.

I am currently here now in my room just lying in my bed. I don’t know what I’m going to do today like I just want to sleep all day.

But every time I close my eyes I’m feeling guilty I can’t understand why. Last week I started to feel guilt until now.

I don't fvcking understand why!

I sat on my bed covering my face with my hands and trying to calm myself and understand what I was really feeling.

Suddenly someone opened the door of my room causing me to look. And it was Jimin..

"I'm not with Hobi hyung right now because he's still buying something so I went home first and by the way I'm leaving again hyung the door isn't locked because Hobi hyung doesn't have a key, you may suddenly fall asleep.

He would have said something again but he stopped.

"why is your face like that hyung?" He chuckled. But I just didn't answer him.

COLD HEARTED PERSON || MYG ||Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon