36 | met again

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It's been three days since that incident happened and I was immediately released from the hospital the day I was taken there. Because I didn't fall down the stairs that badly.

I didn't let our fans know what happened to me because I don't want them to worry about me.

But until now I have not been able to thank Aera personally because she is so busy these days. As far as I know they are in Sydney Australia now. But I don’t know when they will return here.

° ° ° ° °

We just finished working out and I was with Taehyung and Jungkook.

"I notice that you always check your phone. Do you have a textmate Jungkook huh?" I teased him. He just chuckled.

"I also noticed that too hyung, it looks like Jungkook is dating with a girl now." Taehyung chuckled.

"I don't have girlfriend hyung, stop teasing me." Jungkook said and Taehyung just laughed.



"We are finally back in Seoul! I missed Seou!" Yeona said.

"I had a hard time in Sydney because I had to learn English there. I don't know how to speak English so sometimes I just keep quiet when I don't know what to say next." Yeona added.

Kaya pumunta kami ng Seoul upang mag shoot ng aming next MV at mag shoot ng aming dance choreography. Nag cover rin kami ng mga sayaw ng BTS at iba pang groups.

Sabi rin ni Pd-dim na may rest day daw kami ngayon pero three days lang dahil marami pa kaming gagawin. Kaya susulitin ko yung tatlong araw na mag pahinga.

Pupunta din ako ng Daegu para bisitahin ko ang tatay at grandparents ko dahil ilang buwan na rin nung last na nakasama ko sila.

"Ah~ finally i can rest now." I said as i lay down on my bed.

I closed my eyes to sleep but my phone vibrated causing my sleep to be interrupted.

I lazily picked up my phone on the side of my bed and I immediately looked at who messaged me and I saw it was an unknown number.

I saw my picture come out of the van and the message is "wow it looks like you just came home.. welcome back sweetie! I hope we meet again."

meet again?

who is this person?

it's from an unknown number like before I also received a creepy message from an unknown number but the number of the person who sent my pic is different now..

I need to tell this to bang pd because I'm scared now.

I immediately texted bang pd.

2:38 pm
Bang Pd-nim ​​can we meet in Bighit I just have something important to tell you. If you are busy It's ok with me and I understand, I'll just tell you the next day if you're busy now.

I put the phone back on my side and I closed my eyes to sleep.

° ° ° ° °

My sleep was interrupted again because I felt my phone ringing.
I picked up my phone and saw Pd-nim is calling.

I immediately pressed the answer button.

"Hello Pd-nim did you recieved my text?" I asked because maybe he read my text earlier so he called me now.

COLD HEARTED PERSON || MYG ||Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon