43 | Forgiven?

117 14 7


I'm more ok now unlike last month I notice in myself that I often smile and laugh now.

They are right, we must first love ourselves before others. I got better when I loved myself and also thanks to my co members who are always there by my side.

I snapped out of my thoughts when Jeun patted my shoulder.

"Unnie are you ok? I'm just going to the restroom, just wait for me in the waiting area." Jeun said and I just nodded.

I remember that we are in bighit now and the other members are in the cafeteria. I got to the waiting area and no one was there so I just sat down.

I suddenly saw Eunha so I greeted her.

"Oh.. annyeonghaseyo~" I slightly bowed.

She smiled. "When will we match our nail design again?" She chuckled.

"Maybe next week." I smiled.

"Sure! By the way, I'm going now see you later!" I just nodded and smiled.

We are pretty close to each other now Eunha is very kind and a humble person. We often eat outside.

A minutes passed but Jeun still wasn't coming so I thought of texting her.

I was about to pick up my phone but I heard someone calling my name when I lifted my head I saw Yoongi in front of me.

His eyes were sparkling as if he was in tears and he was obviously sad because it was obvious in his eyes.

"If you come here just to explain your side please Yoongi just stop, I already know you just used me and didn't love me."

"I came here to apologize Aera, I regret what I did to you and now I just realized that I love you. I just realized when I already lost you." He said and I felt him sit next to me.

"wtf Yoongi? Now you just realized? After a month of not seeing each other and talking, I forced myself to move on with you even though it was difficult but I did it now. Then you say you love me now.." I laughed sarcastically.

"It was all a lie, was it? Every single thing you said was plain bullshit." I said.

"It's my fault and I know that.." he said

"It wasn't your fault. It was mine, for believing every word you said."

"Please Aera I know you're mad at me but I just want to apologize to you and correct all the mistakes I did to you. Give me a chance to correct all the mistakes I have done." He beg.

I feel like my tears are already dripping so I just thought of leaving in front of him.

When I stood up, he suddenly grabbed my hand to stop me from leaving.

"I will do everything for you to forgive me Aera, I will prove to you that I regret everything I did to you. I love you Aera and I'm very sorry.." He said he had already released my hand.

I felt he was still behind me so I just left.


We are currently in the dorm now and we plan to live now but we will eat first.

While I was cooking, the other members were just watching me and waiting for me to finish cooking.

"Unnie when will you give him a chance?" Kasandra suddenly said causing me to stop cooking for a few seconds.

COLD HEARTED PERSON || MYG ||Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon