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Dipper Pov

I finally fell asleep and next thing you know I was back.....3 years ago and Bill has us in his clutches and tells Ford

"You know what now im gonna kill on of them just because"

Me and Mable try to escape  as his eye goes between a shooting starand a pine tree bills says  "EENIE!.....MEENIE!.....MINY!...... YOU!"

His eye lands on Mabel's shooting star  and in an instant she's gone

Bill drops us and I hold mabels body she doesn't move and I Yell " MABEL!! MABEL!! WAKE UP!!!"

Bill just laughs and says "She's dead PineTree and your next if Ford doesn't make the deal"

I cry harder than I ever have before as I hold my sister and I tell her "Mabel.....I-I....I'm sorry it should have been me if I wasn't so stupid and said no to Ford None of this would have happend....I love you Sis"

And before I knew it Ford and stans plan which was a bit too late was put into action and stans memory was being wiped

I wake up from the dream in a cold sweat and I cry a bit while looking at Mabel I haven't had that dream since we first left Gravity Falls.

I look at the clock to see the time 2:16 Am then I look at my hands and think

I cant..... I won't let anything happen to Mabel  not while I'm around and I try to go back to sleep

Mabels Pov 

I'm outside the shack with dipper,soos,and melody and I hear him....Bill his laugh I turn around to see nothing maybe I'm going crazy I thought then I look back to see my brother and friends gone

Even waddles was gone  I look around and go in the shack calling for dipper "Bro-Bro!" "Where U at!" Then the house falls apart and I'm back in  weirdmageddon

In front of me is a pile of bodies my friends bodies I fall  to the ground and cry then I notice....where is stan,Ford and....Dipper then that Dorito shaped Demon came with all three in hand


"LET THEM GO!" I replied  just then dipper,stan,and Ford say " You've done enough!" "this all happend because of you!" "This is all your fault!"

I began to tear up and I yelled " I-I I'M SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN TO!"

Just then Bill says "you all talk to much" and crushes dipper and stan like cherries Dippers hat falls in front of me covered in blood  his blue pinetree barely visible I hug it and cry harder than I ever have with anything

Ford Yells " SEE WHAT YOU DID MABEL! Bill just look into my mind do it you took everything away from me just make sure you kill me after you're done!"

And Bill looks at me and says "Sure thing after I deal with this one!' and shoots a beam at me

And I wake up the clock says 3:16 Am Dippers still asleep so is waddles I can't mess up like that again I thought as tears streamed down my face I then tried to go back to sleep.

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