chapter 2: water wings

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*several days after the lizard attack*

Dippers Pov

I woke up in a cold sweat again I keep having that nightmare with Mabel and Bill. I look at the clock and see 7:00AM I check my phone and see I got a couple of messages from paz.

Princess Paz: Good Morning Sir dipping sauce

Princess Paz: got any plans for the day cuz Mabel wanted me to ask

Sir dipping sauce: ummm.... i think fishing season starts today so we are gonna do that

Sir dipping sauce: And Good morning

Princess Paz: since when do u fish?

Sir dipping sauce: 3 years ago stan took us and we wanted to make it a tradition

Sir dipping sauce: hey if ur free wanna maybe come?

Princess Paz: sorry I have work but I don't think It would be much fun

Sir dipping sauce: of course its fun

Princess Paz: bet 5$ u don't catch anything

Sir dipping sauce: ok and when I do catch something u have to cook it for us to eat

Princess Paz: Deal

Princess Paz: I'm gonna be late talk later dork 🙃

Sir dipping sauce: Allright Paz talk later

I smile and walk downstairs to see soos and melody with a bunch of gear and little soos came out of nowhere with a fishing pole yelling


I jump and say " hey there buddy wanna help me settle a bet?"

And then out of knowhere Mabel comes downstairs in gear yelling


Everyone started laughing but then I remembered grunkle Stan and Ford cuz stan started this and I wish he was here to see us like this

"Hey has anyone heard from stan or Ford lately its almost been a year since we last heard from them" I ask

Mabel and me look at soos for an answer "Sorry dudes but I haven't talked to Mr pines since the wedding"

"Two years ago" Melody adds

That's so weird I know stan and he would never just ghost us Ford maybe but not stan at least without reason

"Maybe there's just no connection where they are they are probably fine" I add after a moment of silence


We finally make it to Gravity Falls Lake

The first thing that we did was help melody unpack her stuff cuz she didn't want to fish. After that we where ready to start but then little soos said

"I don't think I wanna go if mommy doesn't"

Soos looked sad for a moment and says " why not uncle dipper and auntie Mabel are here and you also have me!"

"Yeah but your not mommy" said little soos

Soos grabes his son and says "ok mijo if you want to stay with mommy it's okay"

Soos,Mabel,and me get on the boat and start casting

"Soos looks depressed" Mabel whispered to me

" I know let's ask him why"

"YO SOOS! Why are you there lookin all sad like that?" Mabel yelled

Soos looked at us and said "Oh sorry dudes it's just......Am I a good dad?"

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