chapter 11: pre-summerween

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Authors note: heads up this is gonna be a short chapter cuz I couldn't think of anything else and imma try to write 3 chapters tonight hopefully I can do it cuz then we get to the good parts of this story okay LETS GO

Mabels Pov

I woke up from a nightmare the same one I had when I first got here I looked over at Dippers bed to see it empty then I looked at the clock and realized that it was noon

I brushed my hair and teeth and ran downstairs after getting dressed. When I got downstairs dipper was on the couch with his journal in hand it looked like he was writing in it and to be honest it felt good seeing him out of the basement I grabbed a bowl of cereal and watched some T.V

Then a summerween commercial came on

"Hey dipper are you and Paz gonna dress up this summerween?"

He looked up and said "Huh yeah maybe I don't know"

"When was the last time you talked to Paz?"

Dippers eyes widened "OH FUC-" he was interupted by SJ


Dipper left on his motorcycle

Damn I haven't seen him this freaked out since Bill turned him into a puppet.

Dippers Pov

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

I cant be late if I am I'm dead

As I pulled up to the dinner I saw her car wasn't there thank  God she got a later shift today

I Parked and ran inside to my usual table I checked the time I was literally one minute early

I totally forgot that paz wanted to talk to me before work so she told me to come early.


Sir dipping sauce: Oh Fuck im sorry where are you I'll make it up to you

Princess paz: How huh?

Sir dipping sauce: summerweens coming up if you want we can go costume shopping

Princess Paz: but you and Mabel always twin on Halloween

Sir dipping sauce:this is summerween I can do a couples costume with my girlfriend

Princess Paz: ask her just to be safe

Sir dipping sauce: okay also how did you know I was at the dinner?

Princess Paz: your bike is loud and I may or may not have been waiting outside the shack when you left

I looked out the window to see Paz flipping me off

(Dippers contact for Mabel is the other half and hers is dipshit)

Dipshit: hey Mabel I was wondering if it's okay if me and Paz do a couple costume this year

The other half : what about me asshole?

Dipshit: how about you come and get a costume in the same genre as us like a group thing

The other half: okay Dipshit

*le time jump*

The three of us were at the costume store and we all tried different things

Mabel wanted us to be mystical creatures she wanted me to be a deer human hybrid. Paz a Medusa snake lady.While she was a mermaid I told her that It was weird and not even Related to one and other.

I suggested superheros like me being spiderman Paz being black cat and Mabel being squirrel Girl

"Wouldn't it make more sense if I was spider-gwen? Pacifica said

"When did you become a nerd?" I asked

"Also how is squirrel girl related to spiderman?" Mabel asked

"Oh she's not really but she's nutty like you" I replied

The Paz suggested "What If I was this pink princess Mabel can be the red one and dipper can have this prince costume"

Mabel agreed so that meant i had to

"And to make it more authentic I can add a pines crest on ours and a NW on yours" Mabel Said

Paz's face showed she wasn't that crazy about the idea

"Don't worry Paz one day dipper will make sure you can wear the pines crest" *wink* *wink*

Both me and Paz were blushing like crazy and she tried to run but I caught her arm and said

"What does that scare you? The great Pacifica Northwest or should I say Future Pines? I said with a smirk


"Hey dipper can you let go?"

"Oh yeah sorry and you know I was-" I was cut off by Paz kissing me

I kissed back and it took Mabel ruining the moment with a photo for us to stop

"I-I love you" Pacifica said

"I love you too"

"But why did you stutter just now? We've said it before"

"Yeah over text and when you were under the truth flowers spell"

"Okay well it's getting late and me and dipper have work tomorrow good night Paz!" Mabel Said trying to leave

"Mabel she has work tomorrow to and also we are her ride" I reminded her


After taking Mabel home I took Paz home where we were gretted by her mother

She had a bit of a limp

"Are you all right Mrs.Northwest?"

"Yes but I need another moment alone with dipper" She responded



I looked at paz and kissed her forehead and said

"It's okay goodnight I love you"

"Good night I love you"

After she left pricilla grabbed me and pinned me against the wall

"Dipper something is coming promise me whatever happens you will take care of her even if for what ever reason she hates you promise me!"

"I promise are you sure everything is Allright?"

"I can't tell you Dipper I'm sorry you can't tell her about this...don't do it for me do it for her"

"I promise I'll give my life before letting her get hurt"

She smiled and said "all right it's getting late go home tomorrow is summerween and you kids are going to have fun"

As I started to leave I asked pricilla something

"Was it Mr.Northwest who did this?"

Before I got an answer she was gone so I just went home and opened my journal

The last page had the prophecy from the other day and now I wrote down what had just happened.
I better sleep but that was weird

I wonder what is coming? and where the hell is preston? All questions for another day

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