chapter 7: Dippers Big Night

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A/N: heads up there's gonna be some stuff in this chapter that may make some people uncomfortable but I don't really care also I won't let it go to far

Dippers Pov

Quick recap me and Paz went out and had an amazing time, Mabel interupted and so did Leaderaur from the manitours, afterwards wendy kissed Me and so did paz, candy tried to  so I ran to my room where I am currently trapped in because grenda,Mabel, and candy want to kill me.

"DIPPER PINES OPEN THIS DOOR!" Grenda yelled while pounding at the door

I could hear Mabel comforting candy I looked around the small attic for a way out. I looked at the window and remembered Mabel keeps and emergency grappling hook under her bed.

Okay all I have to do it get to my bike and- shit my keys are downstairs in the bowl

The door started to open with every hit

So I grabbed the grappling hook and climbed out of the window onto the roof as I did this I heard the door finally cave in.

"GET HIM!" They all yelled only to find I wasn't there

I was by the lawn chair and cooler before I could lock the trap door I was greeted with a very familiar head of red hair

"Wendy what are you-"

She put her hand on my mouth and said "what is your problem running out on me like that!" She tried to kiss me again but I pulled away


She locked the trap door and I knew what I has to do

"Wendy! Go away!" I said as I jumped onto the pinetrees similar to what she did three years ago

I fell on the grappling hook and broke it

I heard Mabel and her friends running outside

"Grenda gaurd the motorcycle!" Mabel yelled

"When I find him I'm going to show him I'm better than that Northwest" candy said

Before I could even think Wendy yelled from the roof


I panicked and climbed a tree and started to jump through them, Thank Grunkle stand for the brass knuckles the helped me climb a bit.

As I sat in the tree I thought "what am I gonna do and why is everyone going crazy?"

Then I messaged soos

Dipper: hey soos I need your help just get my keys from the bowl and leave them somewhere away from Mabel and the others

Soos a few minutes later: Dipper they're not here just a note from Wendy it Says nice try lover boy

Fuck I thought to myself

Thank God for my photographic memory in journal 1 there was a certain call for a creature that loved to steal

I whistled the call and poof! Out of knowhere he appeared he was a small thin creature with long arms and yellow skin

"Hey there kid you call?"

"I need you to steel some keys from that red head they have a ufo key chain"

"Okay what do I get?" He replied

"I can give you a gift gift card to laser tag" I spent all my money with paz

"Mmmmmm okay"

After what felt like forever he came back with the keys and some blood on his face

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