chpater 24: back to the mansion

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A/N: This one also might be short but just know the next chapter is the final one! I know I kinda promised another but hey my story my rules!

Dippers pov

Me and paz were just watching T.V because there was reruns of ducktective

Paz: get ready Mason were not moving till dawn

Me: unless we want to have some "fun"

She punched me in the arm Then kissed me

Paz: maybe we'll see

But our show was cut off by old man Mcgucket in the T.V

Old man Mcgucket: howdy gravity falls! I wanted to announce that at my mansion we are having our selves a giant hootnany and your all welcome!

I looked at paz who seemed reluctant to the idea if going back to the home where she spent most if her life doing whatever her parents told her

But of coarse Mabel and her friends had to be there to hear it all

Mabel: Dipper we have to go!

Me: no Mabel

Candy: please dippy

Me: no and  don't call me that

Penelope: aww come on dipstick

Me: nope

Grenda: stop being a part pooper!

She tried to attack me but I just fazed through

Me: you guys forget I'm a demon now

Paz: you are?

Me: I mean I think I am...because first I was human then a vessel but since the demon I was a vessel to is dead and I still have his powers that would make me a demon right

Bill: maybe your a succubus!

Shut up Bill! Your dead!

Bill: right, but wither way your my best friend pinetree!

Paz: dip!

Me: huh?

Paz: you zoned out there for a bit

Me: oh sorry

Paz: but come on let's go to that dumb party

Me: why?

Paz: Mabel may or may not have threatened to tell your parents about our "fun"

Me: uh fine well go!

*le time skip*

When we got there everyone was staring at me

I didn't really care until I heard whispers

Me: hey guys what everyone talking about?

Paz: what do you mean?

Me: why is everyone whispering?

Mabel: bro what are you talking about?

Grenda: yeah no one's whispering everyone is talking normally

Bill: oh my God we finally went insane! It was a matter of time

I looked around to see Archibald couroroy

And a bunch of other people that I didn't recognize

Me: hey Paz... please tell me you see what I see

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