chapter 6: The date

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Authors note:  I've been wanting to write this chapter since I started this thing so this will probably be one of the better written chapters of this whole project

Pacifica's Pov

After yet another nightmare about bill  I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock I looked over to turn it off to see it said 7:00 am dipper said meet him at the shack sometime before 6 so I've got all day.

I got up and took a shower when I got out I started deciding what was I gonna wear after about an hour of trial and error I landed on a white t shirt, a turquoise jacket, some jeans, and my regular Nike shoes. And my hair was down

I went down stairs to get some breakfast only to see a note

"Pacifica your mother and I will be gone all weekend at a business resort/ small vacation don't break anything or have anyone over
P.S please get groceries and be safe
    -mom ❤"

I shrugged it off because of how often it happens and grabbed some cereal but when I went to get milk I saw there was none left

Groceries  I thought

I ended up making myself some oatmeal with a banana and the rest of the orange juice

After this I did the dishes and went upstairs to do my make up

I know dipper isn't a big fan of  makeup but I little is okay

I just put some  mascara and lipstick

Afterwards I went out to get the groceries and for once interesting nothing happened

When I got home it was 12:00 already

I noticed a package in front of the door after putting the groceries away I opened it

It was a silver  pinetree necklace with "NW" carved into it there was a note saying "I was shopping online and thought of you -mom ❤"

I put it on and it went perfectly with my outfit I guess now I just have to wait till 6

While I was waiting Mabel sent me a text

Mabel: hey Paz how u been?

Paz: I've been good u?

Mabel: same also quick question

Paz: yes?

Mabel: do you know where Dippers taking you?

Paz: nope he said it was a surprise or something

Mabel: okay well I hope it goes well

Mabel: okay grenda just punched an old man gotta go cya

Paz: cya and good luck

After this I just started rewatching attack on titan and next thing you know it's 6 I gotta go before I'm  too late

Dippers pov

I woke up feeling terrible like I was bit by a bus when I looked at my clock it said 12:00 pm

I looked at mabels bed to see that she also barely woke up I got up faster than I should have and took a shower

Instead of my usual clothes I put on a black flannel, white t shirt, black jeans and my converse along with my watch, pterodactyl tooth  necklace and my PineTree hat.

By the time I was done it was almost 1
I ran downstairs only to see melody with SJ in her hands

"Finally you guys are up what time Is your date dipper?"

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