chapter 23: return of the love god

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No one's pov

We start off with Dipper and paz walking through town



The quiet was almost to much to bear I mean you'd think two lovers who were apart for several years would be all over eachother except they both really changed in those 4 years

After a while they noticed that the Woodstick festival was coming to town

Dipper: hey Paz wanna go?

Pacifica: yeah sure

Then Dipper walked her home and they did give eachother a goodbye kiss but it just wasn't the same

*le time skip brought to you by Mabel putting waddles in a tuxedo*

As Dipper got ready he felt something weird

Then he went downstairs

Dipper: Mabel are you ready?

Mabel: yeah but I still don't get why you both want me to go So bad

Dipper: well I'm gonna be honest here things are kinda rocky with me and paz at the moment

Mabel: what do you mean she's 19 and your like a million! What is there not to talk about?

Dipper: yeah I don't think talking about conquering universes and killing trillions is a very good conversation

Mabel: right...what about that rift in your heart?

Dipper: nor much to talk about there either cuz now when I feel a strong emotion you'll all know

Mabel: Wait so if your horny will everyone around you get horny too?

Dipper: I actually have no idea

As the left Dipper was gonna get on his bike when he remembered...he destroyed it when fighting Bill/Preston

Mabel: there's also no gas in the cars

Dipper got an idea

His hand started to glow blue and he started conjuring something put of thin air

His hand started to glow blue and he started conjuring something put of thin air

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With a side care

Mabel: nice!

After picking up Pacifica the went to the festival and met up with the others

Some time after getting there a familiar face went up on stage the mayor Tyler

Mayor Tyler: before our next singer comes on I would like to ask the Pines twins to come up and explain a few things

By his tone it would seem he was mad

Dipper: you guys told mayor Tyler what happened right?

Both Pacifica and Mabel shook their heads no

Then the 3 went up

Mayor Tyler: okay please explain what was up with that red dome thing and why no one has aged 4 years?

Dipper: why are you barely asking?

Mayor Tyler: because neither of you are ever at the mystery shack!

Dipper: okay fine here's what happened bill aka dorito demon escaped and trapped you all here whole I made a deal to keep him away in the process I became like part demon but hey it all worked out right?

Love God: YOU!

Then he tackled Dipper

Dipper: Seriously man that was....3 years ago?


Dipper: hey I'm like a couple million years old!

After a quick fight that Dipper won without his powers love God noticed one of his potions gone

Love God: okay wait you kids I need your help, help me find it and I'll forgive you Allright

Dipper: yeah whatever, cmon paz

Mabel: cmon Dipper don't be like that!

Unknowingly Dipper stepped on the bottle leading to him and paz undergoing its effect

Mabel: Wait love God what kind of potions was it ?

Love God: I don't know let me check

After checking which ones he did have his face went pale

Love God: we need to find it asap!

Mabel: why? which one was it?

Love God: unstoppable lust if the only thing that can stop that potions effect is this one or if the two people doing it are in love!

Dippers pov

Where am I? Am I in a porta pottie?
Why is my dick so warm?

Then I realized me and paz were naked and I was inside her

When we both realized we turned red

Me: s-so I guess we went to the next step huh?

Paz started laughing

Then she kissed me

Paz: maybe this was a good thing I mean...things have been awkward and crazy lately but maybe we just needed something new huh?

After getting dressed we looked at the time and realized we were gone for 3 hours

Luckily this festival goes until midnight

And it's 11 right now

The only thing that worries me is we didn't have protection but well cross the bridge when we get there

A/N: This was a short chapter but nonetheless it's done until next chapter readers!

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