chapter 3 : sleepover

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Mabels Pov

So a few days after the goblwonker incident we decided to take it easy and  just chill in our room i looked over at dipper all he was doing was writing in his journal but thanks to some magic flowers that the gnomes showed us three years ago he was healing faster.

I wish he wouldn't put himself in harms way like that. I mean I'm happy that he isn't such a wuss anymore but still when we were kids he wouldn't even look Brian gulford (our bully) in the eye what he did on the first day of school was crazy


"Dipper you sure are quiet today are you okay?" I asked cutely

"I'm fine just didn't sleep much is all" he replied

"Okay and hey just remember I have your back okay...and also I love you "

"I know weirdo"

"Ooooh looks like the pines are finally hooking up! Come on Mabel can do better!" A stupid sounding voice said

"Hey at least-" I was cut off by dipper who put his hand on my mouth and said

"I've got this" "At least me and Mabel know what love is I'd be surprised if anyone besides your mom loved you Gulford"

"Okay dipper that got dark" I told him he looked unphased by it

Then Brian said with a tear "your dead pines!" And he lunged at dipper and the unexpected happend

Dipper Tripped the bully and had him in a head-lock saying

"You Can't mess with me anymore I'm not the same stupid kid BILL!" He realized his mistake and said "Brian I...I meant Brian" he let him go and Brian being the idiot he was punched dipper in the jaw yelling "Freak"

Brian grabbed Wendy's hat from Dippers head and stepped on it dipper punched Brian so hard that he didn't just get knocked out we found out a week later he got a concussion

*End of flashback*

It's obvious that we were all affected by Bill hell we were just little kids not that we are much older now

I asked dipper "hey is it cool if i have a sleep over tonight?"

He looked up from his book and said "Sure who's gonna be her?"

That's when I realized I actually have more friends than I did 3 years ago "Well obviously candy and grenda maybe I'll invite Wendy" I looked over at dipper who looked completely fine with that

I smiled to myself and said "Or maybe Pacifica" the second dipper heard her name he looked at me and said "are you serious I mean If she sleeps here then I'll just sleep with little soos she can have my bed-" I cut off his rambling with a squeel

"I knew it you like her!" Dipper blushed a bit and said "do you even have her number?" That's when I realized I don't

"But you do" I said in a childish way

"You want me to ask Pacifica Northwest if she wants to spend the night in an attic with three other girls her age?"

"Yup!" I replied


I grabbed my phone and started calling candy and grenda

Pacifica pov

I was at home reading a book that dipper recommended about two brothers who solve mysteries (how original two twins solving mysteries) then my parents came downstairs

Even though we weren't filthy rich anymore my dad was investing what I thought to be my college fund into growing his wealth

He came downstairs with my mom who had actually changed a lot and said "all right Pacifica we are going out an old friend of mine is hosting a party and he let me come this will be my chance to grow even more"

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