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Okay so I have a bit of writers block crazy huh? And the ideas I do have either fit to well into the crazier parts of the story or in completely different stories

So I have decided I'll work on another Dipcifica story along with this one so I'll either alternate with which one I'll write a chapter for every week or I'll do both

I love this story im writing especially because I have and ending for what would be like season 1 which will end on chapter 20 and the story in general also I'm considering taking a bit of a break from this story completely after chapter 20 probably only for a week or two tho lol

So expect more of this just maybe not as frequent I don't know

Also I don't know the name of my next story either

I dont really thinks things through that much I just realized

But you Guys are awesome so far I have  382 reads I guess in total which is honestly awesome also love when you comment thanks for being here see ya next chapter

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