chapter 4: old "Friends"

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Mabels pov
It's been three days since my sleep over and dipper has seen better days
He'd  been in the basement for two  days until yesterday when he finally slept

But he has a cool new gadget he calls it a plasma shield activated by the nervs in your hand so you just have to make a fist

"Okay Mabel I have mostly everything I need before we go but I need one thing it's a part for my scanner" dipper said breaking the silence in our room

"Okay what is it?"

"A platinum core, they are super rare and expensive"

"Where are we gonna find one?"

Just then Wendy came into our room

"What up dorks?"

"Hey Wendy" we said in unison

I went up to hug her dipper just sat on his bed

"What you guys doing?" Wendy asked

Before I could answer dipper said "nothing just talking about a part I need for a project"

"What kind of part?"

"A rare and expensive one" I answered

"There's a guy in town who deals with that type of stuff luckily you already know him"

Me and dipper looked at each other confused

"I'll give you a ride" Wendy said

I forgot that me and Dippers car was completely totaled by that  lizard

I wonder who it is though?

Wendy's pov

I honestly can't believe how much these kids have grown Mabel is becoming a beautiful young woman
She's taller than me now im 5'5which means she's like 5'6

Then there's dipper the guy was barely up to my stomach last time he was here now he's way taller than me like 5'11 taller at 15 nonetheless

After got to my car I asked them

"When did you get your license?"

"Who said we have a license" dipper said

"But you have a car-sorry had a car"

"Yeah so?" Dipper replied

"That's illegal"

"Anything is legal when the cops aren't around" Mabel Said

We all laughed and I said "I guess stan did teach you guys stuff"

They went quiet after that

"Where are the old geezers anyway?"

'We don't know we haven't talked to Then since our last birthday" Mabel Said sadly

"Hey it's all right" dipper told her "anyway what new with you Wendy?"

"Oh apparently I'm quite the motivational speaker I could pursue that but I don't know" "everyone tells me to make a podcast or something but do I really want to do that?"

"What if you became a psychiatrist?" Mabel Said


"Your easy to talk to, you give great advice and you have a crazy family"

"Mabel you are thinking of a therapist" dipper said

"What's the difference?" I asked

"A psychiatrist helps diagnose a mental issue and a therapist helps talk out your problems and stuff"

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