chapter 12: Summerween

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Pacificas pov

I wonder what mom talked to dipper about yesterday either way it doesn't matter I got to get to work. But maybe I should ask him

Princess Paz: Good Morning

Sir dipping sauce: Good Morning

Princess Paz: hey what did my mom talk to you about yesterday?

Sir dipping sauce: Oh it doesn't matter

Princess Paz: cmon tell me please

Sir dipping sauce: I told you Pacifica it's nothing

Princess Paz: are you okay or are you mad at me?

Sir dipping sauce: what makes you say that?

Princess Paz: you called me Pacifica and I don't know your avoiding everyone lately it hurts just talk to me

Sir dipping sauce: I'm not mad at you your mom just wanted to talk to me about protection

Sir dipping sauce: and I just haven't been sleeping well lately because you know the Bill nightmares

Princess Paz: what kind of protection?

Sir dipping sauce: you know 👉👌

Princess Paz: Oh my God what did you tell her?

Sir dipping sauce: nothing not like we've done anything more than the night I slept over

(I'm talking about Dippers big night chapter 7)

Princess Paz: I've been meaning to ask you that night you seemed experienced or it felt like it

Sir dipping sauce: I'm a Virgin everything I know is from ⬛🟧

Sir dipping sauce: what about you?

Princess Paz: I'm also a Virgin and what do you watch cuz that felt amazing

Sir dipping sauce: okay wait change the subject Mabel just waked in

Princess Paz: actually I gotta go to work see you at 6 but still tell me later what you watch

Sir dipping sauce: okay see you at 6 have a good day hun 😘

Princess Paz: you dork have a good day at work

And I went to work it was a normal day until lazy Susan came up to me and asked

"Hey dear how's that boyfriend of yours?"

"Oh he's fine how about you"

"I'm fine"

"Actually Susan he's been kinda distant with people lately"

"Have you asked why?"

"I did and he just said it was because of his nightmares"

"What are they about?"

"The Dorito demon"

Me and Susan say this to avoid getting tazed

"Oh well aren't you dating the pines boy?"

"Yeah why?"

"Well during the whole mess it was his family who suffered the most"

"I know I'm just scared that if he distances himself to much the world will go on without him"

"In my experience you just need to show him you care do something nice for him knowing him he'll return the favor"

After this Lazy Susan left to the kitchen and I stayed there wondering what should I do I feel like I don't really know him anymore

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