chapter 18: The day it all ended

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A/N: to make things clear this is NOT the end of this book or even this part of the story but I will be taking a break from both of my stories and I might even start a new one that isn't gravity falls based I don't really know how long the break will be but I do know that this story might just have 2 more chapters depending on how they go with you guys but you will get those after my break okay into the Chapter this should be a good one

Dippers pov

I woke up on the couch outside melody was treating the wound that the mushroom didn't heal but wait why is melody doing this?

Usually it's paz or Mabel

"Melody where's Mabel and paz?"

"They left with the stans to do that thing they wanted to wait but Ford said they couldn't"

My head started to hurt like crazy then I saw a glimpse of HIM

"Dipper what's wrong?" Melody asked in her soothing mom voice

"Fuck there's no time I gotta go"

I grabbed my stuff and jumped on my bike and started speeding into the woods

Pacificas pov

"I feel bad leaving dipper he told us not to leave him"

"Yes I agree Pacifica but in his condition we could be waiting days and we may not even have that much time" Ford said

"Don't worry Dip will understand" Mabel assured me

"Actually you never know with that kid he's stubborn like us" Stan added

Then we made it to the statue it was way more broken then last time

"All right then let begin-" Ford was interrupted by the appearance of a mysterious black figure

"What who the hell are you?" Stan said while standing in front of me and Mabel

"Its quite funny both sets of Pines twins are nuisances" I recognize that voice


He took off the hood and said

"Suprise!" He had a grin that none of us have ever known

"I-i-is he possessed b-by b-b-ill" I could barely stutter

"No look at his eyes this is Preston" Ford said

He then took out a revolver and attempted to shoot Ford thankfully Stan tackled him down

Mabel threw a rock a him before he could do anything else

"Why are you doing this!?"

"Because Pacifica their family and this demon are why we lost everything so they are going to fix it"

"Your wrong it's because of the Pines that I have everything I want now!" I yelled right before I hit him with the bat that dipper made

We all got up and surrounded him

"Surrender Preston you can't do this remember what he did last time?" Ford said

"My apologies but your too late" He kicked the statue breaking it

A disfigured bill emerged similar to what dipper described him as

"Cipher put deal?"

"T-T-Take m-m-my h-hand!" Bill yelled and my father stupidly agreed

After this his eyes turned yellow and his pupils weren't even human anymore

(When I say Bill imagine Preston)

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