chapter 14: Northwests

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A/N:Before I start this chapter I would like to thank everyone for enjoying this story its been a lot of fun to write also thanks to Dark_Honors02 for giving me pretty much the idea for this chapter and for reading my other story ( what am I feeling?)

So that's it enjoy I guess and stick around after this chapter things are gonna get crazy

Dippers pov

Me and Paz just had an amazing night at this new restaurant that Gideon suggested me and Paz ended up walking home instead of taking any thing because of how beautiful it was

"Hey is that the big Dipper?" Paz said while pointing at the sky

"Yup, wanna see the little dipper"

She started blushing and said "dipper my parents are home"

"I meant the constellation"


We both laughed and then we got to the door and for once we made it back early

"Okay then good night"

"Good night"

Me and Paz kissed when preston opened the door and we both pulled away

He pulled Pacifica inside and said "y'know boy we never did have that chat"


"Pacifica stay inside while me and you boyfriend talk"

She sighed and did as told

"What are your intentions with my daughter?"

"To make her happy"

"Why did you choose her of all people?"

"The real questionis why not"

"Have the two of you-"  he was interupted by screaming

I pushed him aside and ran in I checked paz's room to find a note

"We have taken the blonde and her mother if you want them back meet us in the woods a quarter mile east of the gnome village we finally settle things"

The note didn't really seem to be directed to specially me or preston

I examined the note for clues the penmanship was very sloppy so it wasn't a human who wrote this but they used a pen so it had to be a smart  creature

Then I found a piece of black fur that had a smell all to familiar obviously Leaderaur but the thing is he's and idiot so  who else is he working with?

Wait the gnomes they are experts at kidnapping women the only reason they can't is because they are small and easy to over power which is why they're working for him

"Okay preston I know who we're dealing with but first I need to check something"

"What could be more important at a time like this?"

"Don't worry it's related to the situation"

"Okay boy I'm trusting you take this" he handed me a glock while he had a revolver

As we started walking he said "Where are we even going?"

"Okay we are mainly dealing with a giant humanoid bull creature but I need to see if he has his friends with him and if he doesn't then I'm going to use them"

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