chapter 9: witch way did she go?

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Wendy's pov

Okay I've really got to keep myself in check I think I really like dipper but I have to to ignore those feelings because I've kinda lost both him and Mabel I know we can just be friends

I went to the shack in my car and of course dipper just had to be working out shirtless he wasn't alone pacifica and Mabel were there

Mabel was jump roping but super fast like damn girl. While Pacifica was doing some crazy gymnastic type shit. Dipper was doing some pull ups but in mid air he would hold his position like freaking spider-man.

The second that they noticed me Pacifica hugged dipper and blushed a bit she looked like a small feral animal guarding something. I hate to admit it but those two make quite the couple.

Mabel came up to me but instead of hugging Me or tackling me she stood in front of me and said

"Oh...hey Wendy do you need something?" All awkwardly

This honestly broke my heart
"Um yeah I came to apologize to all of you for how I've been acting... I'm sorry"

Dipper looked at Pacifica with a small smile and kissed her head. What a lucky bitch. He walked over to me and said

"Okay Wendy I'll forgive you after you promise to keep your emotions in check"

"I will!"

He grabbed Pacifica by the hand and said "Paz?"

She looked down and mumbled " I guess I forgive you too" Then she shot me a small smile at me

Mabel grabbed us all And said "Yay we're all friends again!" We all laughed

"So what are you guys doing today?"

"We were gonna go on a picnic with Soos and his family" dipper said while drying off his sweat with a towel

I think I was staring because then Pacifica stood in front of Me and said

"hey if you wanna come you can ask" believe it or not she sounded sincere

"Can I?"

"Not me Mason or Mabel"

"Who's Mason?"

She turned red as dipper put his arm on her shoulder she quickly turned to him and said

"oh My gosh I'm sorry I-I didn't mean to" dipper chuckled and said

"Hey it's okay I don't mind plus you get a pass this time cuz it's Wendy"

"Wait your real name is Mason!"


Then soos pulled up in his truck

"Hey Wendy it's been a while!"

"Yeah I guess it has"

"Hey soos can Wendy come with us?" Mabel Said breaking the moment of silence

"Sure why not?"

After about two hours everyone had showered and the food was ready so we left

When we got to the spot it seemed nice and quiet there weren't that many people just some other families having barbecues and stuff

We set everything up and started chilling for a bit not really doing much besides talking

"Okay if you were stuck on an island with two things what would they be?" Mabel asked

"Hmm that's hard but I guess my axe and a container to hold water" I replied

"I guess a knife and a fire starter" dipper said

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