chapter 15: search and rescue

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Dippers pov

Y know when I woke up today it seemed like it was going to be a normal day but then again I'm in gravity falls so how normal can things be?

Me and paz were hanging out after work watching that grandpa the kid movie since she had never seen it and it reminded me of Stan and Mabel came running

"Guys I was just at the pool because I guess pool jack has been saving the letters that mermando has been sending and this one just came"

"Okay Mabel what the point: I said trying to change the subject before Mabel says something stupid about me and him

"Who's mermando"

"Mabels first kiss"

"I mean It was kinda like our first kiss huh?"

I just coughed signaling her to shut up

"Anyways I guess he saw Grunkle Stan and Ford a couple months back"

"OH are they okay?"

"That's the thing a couple months ago they were fine but..."

"But what...Mabel!"

"He found the Stan o' War 2 it was wrecked"

"Mabel please tell me your not saying that he found...them"

"No but he found a message to you"

"What is it"

"Read it"

It read some numbers that looked like coordinates and a single sentence

"Project checkpoint dipper"

I immediately knew what this was

"Come with me I think they are okay or or least alive"

We went to the basement where I grabbed the file box labeled checkpoint

"What is that?" Paz asked me

"When Ford first came through that portal he was going to try and contact some old friend that he had made across the galaxy but he decided not to because he's a fugitive"

"So they're both crooks?" Paz said jokingly

"Pretty much"

Okay I think I got this thing working

After putting in the coordinates a small screen showed up and there was the silhouette of a person


"Hello my name is Dipper Pines this is my sister Mabel and my Girlfriend Pacifica Northwest and we were wondering if you know what happens to Stanford and Stanley Pines"

"Yeah I know where they- wait did you say Dipper? As in Pinetree?"

This made me feel a weird pain in my chest

"I guess yeah I've been called PineTree before"

"Okay I'm sending a pod to get you three so you can retrieve your dear uncles"

"Will we need anything?"

"What ever you think is necessary besides food and water that will be provided"

Then they hung up

The three of us started to pack some things mainly the stuff we usually bring

-grappling hook
-PineTree journal
-Plasma shield
-and this new kinetic energy bat I made for paz the more its used the bigger the kinetic blast  will be I got the idea after watching Black Panther with her

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