chapter 19: Bipper

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Third person pov

As bipper left earth he started to go back home

"Wait home you mean the dimension that Ford was stuck in?" Dipper asked in bill in their mind

"No that was just my favorite conquered dimension I was banished from my home but now I can go back with you!"

"What do you mean?"

"Well you see our souls are bonded so even though to us we are separate people to any other thing or person we are the Same"

Dipper took the time to process this then they arrived

There was two lights a white one and a pink one then they spoke

"Who are you and why have you come her-" the white light said

"Its bill but it looks like he got his PineTree" said a weird looking creature

"Hey mom,dad,uncle how you been and hey where are my two little brothers?!"

"Sadly those two took after their foolish older brother so their also banished" the pink light said

"Damn really wanted to see will and kill"

Then the white light came and said "I apologize PineTree for what he's put you through don't worry we'll help you"

Bipper started laughing "I think not!" He raised his arm and a weird looking beam came out

And the white light became energy that Bipper obsorbed

When bipper opened his eyes they now had a white glow

Bill did the same to the pink light and the weird creature

"Bill what was that?" Dipper asked

"That pinetree was a deionized black matter beam"

"So your telling me that's the only thing Strong enought to kill you?"

"Yup and funny enough Old Sixer almost Made a blaster of the stuff but I advised him not to"

Soon enough bipper left this spot and spent 1,000 years killing the other ditties of this relm

He had stopped his body's aging process when the body turned 25

He now wore a black and yellow suit had long hair with a bit of a beard

When bipper was finished with his 1,000 year conquest bill actually got tired and went into a weird sleep like state giving Dipper the reins

Dipper decided to go to earth using the mindscape meaning that Bill couldn't follow  when Dipper got there he decided to make himself look like when he left

First he went to visit Mabel

When he went she looked so tired she was asleep of coarse but she was pale and thin it killed Dipper to see his normally bright and cheerful sister this way

He went into her mind and saw her dreaming of their childhood memories

Dipper found his actual sister I'm their childhood home she was in his room holding his hat

"Hey Mabel"

She looked back in shock

"What the hell are you doing here you dorito Bitch!" She yelled

"No Mabel it's Me Dipper look I don't have much time but I need your help!"

"What do you mean?"

"Just trust me please!"

"I-I do"

"In order to help me you'll need my journal it carefully please"

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