Chapter 13: Mabels in charge

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A/N: heads up this one might be a bit short

Mabels pov

So a quick recap Soos And melody felt like they needed a break especially because the baby  is due next month so they put me in charge  of the shack while they are gone since I have some experience in that area. They said they were gonna he gone for 3 days
Sj didn't want to go so he's here with us

The first thing I did was get dipper to fix the place up a bit. I think that party may have been good for him because he looks like he's been sleeping more

And to make up for what his goons did I decided to make Gideon be the Soos

The first day was pretty productive but I realized at the end of the day that in order for us to make a good profit we would need
Something amazing

Dipper walked into the room and said

"u okay Mabel? You Lazer focused?"

"Yeah just I need a new attraction Something good"

Gideon Walked in and said "hey Mabel I was cleaning by the sascrotch and found these what do I do with them?"  He was holding the ears of the wolf costume that dipper wore three years ago. Then it hit me

"what if we did a live show type thing?"

"Ooh what do you have in mind?" Gideon said with an excited tone

"I'm down just as long as I don't have to wear that stupid costume again"

Now im a little mad with dipper and Paz at the moment because they have been ditching me so now I have an idea

"U think Paz can help out tomorrow?"

"Yeah she has the day off why?"

"No reason-"  I was interupted by SJ

"Um guys I'm hungry"

I checked the time and realized we never made diner

"Dipper go make dinner"

"Okay sure thing boss"

After he left me and Gideon planned it

Both Paz and dipper are gonna dress up in wolf costumes while SJ is a lamb maybe he can do the lamby dance and they are gonna eat him only for me to save him in the end

*the next day*

Pacificas pov


When I promised to help I didn't think she had this in mind!

"Paz come out!"

"Why do I only have a fur top?"

"Hey there wasn't alot of fur plus Dippers shirtless"

I looked at dipper who just avoided eye contact I honestly don't know why he's seen more of me

"Did they glue fur to your chest?"

Dipper looked at his chest and said

"I don't know how to answer that"

During the tour the three of us waited at least SJ looked cute

"Why did we let her do this?"

"Because she can get crazy when she's in charge"

"And now for the first time ever a mystery shack show!"

As we got into position we waited and when it was time to come out dipper accidentally scared me and I punched him in the nose

Everyone froze and looked at dipper his nose bled a bit his face was really serious

He got up and started laughing like crazy

Dipper:"What was that?"

Paz:"I'm sorry you scared me and-" I stopped after noticing everyone staring


"This is a rip off!" On if the tourist said

Dipper looked like he got an idea and he picked up SJ and made some dumb speech about how bad he felt for the orphaned lamb

"I will raise you as one of my own and protect you"

"But... you'll also need a mother..." he looked at me and held his other hand out

"Will you help me raise this child?"

I let out a small chuckle and said "all right but your sure we won't eat him?"

The crowd laughed a bit then dipper pulled me in for a kiss

"If you want a photo with the new happy family it'll cost you 100$"

Mabel made almost 2,000$ with the first show we did the normal planned show like 3 times but it wasn't anywhere near as successful

At the end of the day Mabel Gave me a cut of the profit for my work.

"You wanna change?" Dipper asked me

"Yeah I think I'm getting hook worm"

"Yup gluing dog hair to your body'll do that" Mabel Said while counting the money

And I went to got change

Dippers pov

As Paz went to go change the gift shop door opened and both candy and that other girl came. Honestly I don't know her name and I'm pretty sure she has told me like a million times

They just froze at the door and stared at me why though?

Then I realized I was shirtless

They both slowly made their way to me

"Hey... you two...what uh...what are you doing here?" I said before being against the wall

The girl next to candy put her hand on my chest and said

"What does that blonde girl have that we don't?"

Without thinking  I  said "a soul"

I moved her hand and yelled for Mabel to help me even though she was right there the whole time

Then candy put her hand over my mouth

"Just stay still we'll-" I bit her hand and decided I had to pull the only card I had left


They both freaked out end started looking around

"She's here!?"

"Yeah I'm right here" paz said with her arms crossed

"Oh thank God"

"So what going on here?"

I mouthed the word "they are trying to fuck me" because I've learned that SJ will just throw something at me

"Is that so?"

I nodded like crazy

She came inbetween them and kissed me I wrapped my hand around her waist and kissed back

She moved my hand to her ass and said

"This is what I have you pancakes now go and fuck yourselves" she said to them before kissing me again

The next day we did the show again even though I hated it Paz made it bearable

But Mabel made us do the improvised one

During the photo process me and Mabel noticed a guy trying to cop a field with paz I took out my pocket knife and Mabel just said

"Not yet"

Paz ended up slapping him for doing that Man I think I'm really in love

When soos and melody came back they were dumbfounded at the amount that Mabel was able to make in just 3 days

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