chapter 16: journal log

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Today's Journal log is different mostly because I dont remember half of the stuff  going to write

My dream a couple of days ago was was weird for once there was no bill but also no paz actually the only person there was someone I didn't recognize at all

He was tall like around 6'2 his hair was long and he had a bit of a goatee type beard and he dressed really formal like he had a suit,Top hat, Bow tie, and a cane, honestly I feel like bill would dress this way if he was human

I don't remember much but he told me Somethings and I don't know why but I feel like I have to listen like I can trust him is that dumb?

"Listen to me Mason I Have A Plan" those were his exact words  and apparently I've been acting weird

I don't remember the last few days only parts of it like on the first day I guess I was gone all day in the woods by myself.

Also something around the house have gone missing but I know it isn't bill controlling me because of the unicorn hair....

Okay wait this is being written a few hours after the rest I remember something

I think I went to the bunker why I don't know but I just know I was there...God this is annoying

We are going to get me a brain Scan to make sure in okay but I don't know

Okay everything is fine but It's still foggy

Okay I think thats enough for one day end of journal log....

Dippers pov

I don't know why but I think I need to go to the store?


"Mason your not going to remember another of what I tell you but you will subconsciously do it but you can remember this your journal it blue correct?"

"Yeah why?"

"It needs to be red like Fords"

"Wait why should I trust you though I mean you don't seem like a bad guy actually you seem super familiar"

"I don't have much time Mason just know if you don't listen to me the people you love are going to die"

"Okay... I'll listen"

* End of Flashback *

Okay that helps I need 5o get the stuff I guess

*le time skip*

It's currently 4:00 AM everyone Is asleep

And I just started the process of making my Blue journal red

Journal update

Now that my journal is red it in MANY ways is a lot more like Fords

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