chapter 20: the other side of the story

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Mabels pov
It's been 6 months since Dipper left I decided to invite everyone over

"I don't get why you guys just gave up"

"Mabel we didn't give up we are just prioritizing this" Ford said like he was right

"So we prioritize living our lives while he gone!?"

Everyone was silent

"Paz what about you huh! You called him your true love and it looks like you have up Aswell"

"I didnt give up Mabel I-I just..."

"Who the fuck is that new guy paz?"

"He's Noone I swear he just a friend"

"You Know what screw all of you"

I left only to be followed by Stan

"I'm with ya kid I know what it's like to have a twin brother in another dimension"

*le time skip*

We've been in this veil for 2 years now and well me and Stan have been doing all the research on bill we can while Ford moved out with Mcgucket

One night I decided to fall asleep in my room for once

And when I did I had the best dream ever because it wasn't a dream Dipper came to me and told me what to do

Although he was kinda questioning it

And to verify that it was real
There was a message on the wall written in blood

"Call paz in exactly 20 minutes-D"

Pacificas pov

When I woke up I could tell that dream wasn't fake I looked at dippers journal which I kept by my bed then my phone went off it was Mabel

I haven't talked to her in two years now...

After we talked we both knew Dipper came to us

After this we started reading his journal together

And the both of us couldn't help tear up because it was all the adventures we went on together before everything got so fucked up

But the last page said

"Now that my journal is red it in MANY ways is a lot more like Fords "

Then it clicked in mabels mind she ran downstairs to get a blacklight from the kitchen

I have no idea why they have it there but okay...

The came back and we saw all the secret messages

There was written
"The Bunker go back and get the plans! I don't know why I'm writing this but I am if blendin does his part then we'll need a new and improved portal"

Mabel and I went to get the plans while Stan got the others back together

As me and Mabel went I got a message

Caleb: hey wya?

Pacifica: I'm with a friend why?

Caleb: because this is me telling you I like you and it's been 2 years I feel like I at least deserve a date

Pacifica: Caleb...I still love Dipper even though I'm pissed as he'll with him

Caleb: paz he's gone plus I think he would understand

Before I could reply he called me and Mabel answered

"Hey dick face shut the fuck up me and paz are working on getting him back and she's not interested so you can be useful and help or go fuck yourself pig"

Then she hung up

I was in shock but then I remembered how Dipper was the exact same for both me and Mabel

"Y'know even though you and Dipper never got married I still see you as my sister in law"

This made me blush like crazy Then we got there

After looking around Mabel found the plans except they were the same plans as before for bills portal nothing new or improved

Then I got an idea I shined the black light to reveal all the new calculations and stuff

When we showed everyone Ford decided he was going to help

"Mabel...I'm think Dipper left us with the solution all along" Ford said quietly

"Its okay Grunkle Ford just help us and we're even"

The project took 2 more years to complete

Then it was finally done funny it been 4 and a half years since we've seen Dipper but we all look the same

The final piece was his hat in order to lock onto his DNA not to mention he was wearing it when he fused with Bill

As we put the hat and waited for something to happen nothing did just a small start

Then as we were ready to go back to the drawing board it turned on

We heard a loud scream


Then the portal exploded

And we saw bill fly againt the wall in his weakened form we decided to prioritize his so we surrounded him but we didn't expect him to have that much power

"Get away!" He said as he knocked us all back

"PineTree come back and they live!"
Bill pleaded

Then a man with long hair and a suit grabbed a gun that was hidden somewhere in the room and shot bill

"Go fuck yourself Bill! I'll see you in the deepest pits of hell!"

Then he shot him again and bill was gone

The man thew his cane,tophat,and topcoat 

He looked at us and smiled he put his hair up in a bun and Then he walked outside me and Mabel still unsure if it was Dipper followed at a distance

Then he did what bill did with his fingers 4 years ago and the veil was down

(Imagine the birthmark)

(Imagine the birthmark)

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"So... no hug?" He said

both me and Mabel hugged him and he gladly hugged back and after thanking us he  explained what he had been through the past few millenia

I ended up sleeping with him again y'know I don't thing I will ever forget just how warm he is

Dippers pov

Man I don't think I will ever feel anything so warm

Thank God it's over

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