chapter 17: into the unfamiliar

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A/N: okay time to be honest I'm kinda getting a bit bored with this story I don't really know why so I plan to write until chapter 20 and after that I want you guys to decide if I should keep going. And since I'm being honest I think I'm just getting a bit bored with the ship I don't know Okay into the Chapter

Pacificas pov

Okay so it's been a couple of days since we saved Stan and Ford ever since dipper has gotten even worse he hasn't talked to us that much and he's gone all the time. What scares me the most is that he says he doesn't remember what he's doing half the time

And it's weird when I got up this morning to change I was all out of clothes except the type of clothes I used to wear  before by that I mean the whole purple outfit but it's all I had so I put it on.

I was getting ready for my  adventure until my mom came up to me and hugged me very tightly she was also crying

"Pacifica I love you so much Okay"

"I love you to mom but are you okay?"

"Yes just be careful and don't leave dippers side he'll take care of you"

"I know mom but are you sure your Okay?"

"Yes, yes I'm fine it's just your getting so big and I know I wasn't always the best mother to you and I'm sorry"

"Its okay mom I forgave you for all that stuff"

"I know I just wish...*sniff* never mind I just can't wait for the day you have kids of your own because I know your going to be an amazing mother and wife"

I was blushing because I mean dipper is the only real boyfriend I've ever had so obviously mom means he'll be the father and husband.

"Thanks mom I love you I'll try to come home early so we can watch a movie"

She sniffled and said "Okay hun"

After wards I made my way over to the mystery shack where Stan was waiting outside with a beer in hand

"Hey kid I need to have a talk with you"

"Okay what is it Mr.Pines?"

"Its dipper the kids been...different these past few days and it's because of Bill you and Mabel won't understand and knowing dipper he won't ever want you to understand..."

"Understand what?"

"That thing in your head the only ones who know what that's like is Ford,Dipper, And me"

"Oh yeah I forgot he was in dippers body for a couple of hours"

"No its more than that I know I shouldn't have but I looked in his journal cuz he dyed it red... Bill must have left some kind of trace that stuck"

"What do you mean?"

Ford came and said
"We think that Bill left a part of himself in us and also dipper that's why we can feel him but its different for dipper"


"Yes Bill went into my mind and was able to use my body but I was still there and well he never used Stanley's body...but dipper he threw him out of his body and took it when he was 12 he could have subtlety left anything there even a large part of himself"

Are they saying that dipper is like part  Bill or something?

"Anyways kid just promise you'll look after him... also don't you dare break his heart the kid loves ya alot it's funny I thought this journal would be full of monsters and shit but here you are every 2 pages"

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