chapter 10: Act Your age

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Pacificas pov

I woke up honestly forgetting what had happened yesterday I looked over at the clock to see 7:00 AM. I got up took a shower and got ready for the day.

When I started breakfast my dad came downstairs and said

"What do you think you are doing?"

"Making breakfast, it doesn't magically appear out of thin air"


While I was eating my scrambled eggs with toast I got a message

Sir dipping sauce: hey Paz remember when we were kids and mabels face got stolen and we went to that paranormal black market?

Princess Paz: the crawl space? yeah why?

Sir dipping sauce: if a witch made them kids then maybe we can find another witch to help

Princess Paz: you aren't going alone are you?

Sir dipping sauce: Mabel,Candy,Grenda, and that other girl will take care of the kids remember last time they wanted to eat us as kids

Princess Paz: okay just wait for me I'll be over soon and I'm going with u no question troll boy

Sir dipping sauce: fine but only cuz you've been there before

Princess Paz: okay Ily ❤

Sir dipping sauce: Ily ❤

I looked up to see my dad who looked annoyed we haven't really spoken since he found out me and dipper were dating

"What are your plans for today daughter"

"Just gonna hang out with my friends"

"Ah yes when was the last time you spent time with Tiffany and Gretchen?"

"They aren't my friends they never were after we went broke they ditched Me for some other rich person"

"Oh then who are your friends those pines?"

"Yeah why?"

"I've told you before I don't want you near them they started the weirdmagedon remember it seems to follow them"

"Wait how did you know that?"

"Know what that weird things follow them it's quite obvious since they are so used to it"

"No that they started weirdmagedon who told you that because it has to be a lie"

"Ask your boyfriend daughter if he's honest then he'll tell you" my dad said while pulling out a photo of a strange looking globe

"What is that?"

"Ask him"

Dippers pov

Okay now that the kids are fed and the babysitters are ready i need some stuff

Let's see my journal,plasma shield, presidents key, first aid kit, and my back pack with some food and water, okay all I need is Paz and I'm good to go.

Then as I finished that thought Paz's car pulled up

"Hey Princess-"

"Don't call me that"

"Hey wha-"

"Dipper did you guys start weirdmagedon? And what is this" she said while pulling out a photo of the rift

I felt my pulse quicken and I was starting to sweat I thought about lying but I couldn't not to paz

"Okay here's the truth that was called the interdimensonal rift that was created after a portal to bill's dimension was created"

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