chapter 1 : day 1 back in the falls

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Hope you like the story so far and I literally just finished the last two chapters or pages not sure what they can be called

Dippers Pov (again)

I woke up the sun barely out I looked at the clock 6:00 am it read I thought about going back to sleep then I remembered my night mare so I got up and brushed my teeth

A couple hours later at like 10:00 Mabel woke up in the meantime I was messing around with little soos turns out the little guys like a mini genius for a 3 year old he's pretty advanced in everything soos says it's the videogames

"Good morning sunshine" I tell Mabel as she comes downstairs looking half dead

"Morning jacka-" I cut Mabel off with a cough and said "kid in the room!"

Mabel barely noticed little soos and said "sorry" little soos threw a toy at Mabel and yelled in his own way "language!"

20 minutes later me and Mabel go into the kitchen to see the fridge empty melody walks in and says "sorry we where gonna go grocery shopping yesterday because we thought we had more time"

Mabel says "it's ok well just go to lazy Susan's diner" I also added "make a list we'll get the groceries while we are in town" little soos grabes my leg and Yells "Momy Can I go!?"

Melody says "I don't know baby ask uncle dipper and auntie Mabel-" Mable cuts her off with "of course he can come now I don't have to talk to dipper" she jokes little soos Yells with happiness but is interrupted by his mother after she says "If you want to go you need pants" he looked annoyed for a second and said "Worth It" he and melody came back 6 minutes later with a list and little soos wearing pants and a little question mark shirt

Mabel grabbed little soos and said "He Looks like Soos!" I grab the list and we go to the car

On the way to the diner Mabel Says "dipper soos said We can throw a party for our return so I'm gonna invite some people" I look at her and say "ok u do that while me and little soos go shopping"

We walk in to the smell of coffee and pancakes and we sit down I look at little Soos and say "what are you gonna order buddy?" He looks at me with the happiest look ever and says " can I get whatever I want?" Mabel turns his face to face hers and says " WHATEVER. YOU. WANT" a tear comes out and little soos says " I've been waiting for this moment dudes"

Just then a blonde girl comes and says "Sorry to keep you waiting busy day" I look up at the blond girl and I'm left speechless it was Pacifica northwest mabels former rival but they are cool now dressed in the the diner dress like lazy Susan and an apron she had her long shiny blonde hair in a bun her makeup was just some eyeliner,eye shadow and mascara her Blue eyes shined in the light that came out of the window.

"Pacifica?!" Mabel blurts out throwing my train of though put the window and immediately Pacifica recognized Mabel

"Mabel? Oh My God its been forever how are you!, And where's dipper?"

I look at her and say "I'm right here paz" she looks at me for a moment and says "what did you do with the real dipper pines" We all laugh and little soos interrupts with
"I know what i want" Pacifica takes out orders and before she leaves I remember the party

"Hey! Um.... we are having a party later at the shack u gonna be there?" Pacifica looked a bit pink and says "you can count on it" and she leaves to get our orders ready

Mabel looks at me and says "what was that about?" "What do you mean" I reply "you and Paz started blushing"
"no we didn't.....did we?"

Mabel whispers to me "okay if you are over Wendy then your open to dating?" I look at Mabel and say "Mabel did you forget Jessica and Mandy?" Mabel looks at me with a face that said "really?" She then said "did they even kiss you?" "and I mean the lips not the cheeks" i was going to reply but Mabel already knew the answer was no .

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