chapter 22: when are we?

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No one's pov

After being taken to a random point in time Dipper was the first one to get up

Dipper: you idiots look what you did! We only had one more use and I don't even know where we are!

He took a deep breath and looked at the rest

Dipper: I'm sorry for raising my voice it wasn't your fault

Mabel: but wait dip what were you gonna do?

Gideon: were you gonna stop us from being born or something?

Dipper: Wow so you guys actually believe I'm...Bill don't you

Pacifica: are you? Like what was your plan with the time tape?

Dipper: I was gonna get a time wish

Mabel: how?

Dipper: glabnar

Before anything else was said Dipper decided to start walking

Dipper: It doesn't matter maybe we can find the shack and I can send out a beacon to blendin

As they went there was a giant party going on

Gwen: cmon Cedric don't tell me your scared!

Sarah: he totally is!

Cedric: I'm not!

After hearing this the four were shocked

The one called Sarah resembled a younger Mabel with freckles and paler skin

Mean while Cedric resembled dipper with a blond tint in his hair

And Gwen looked like a mix of Pacifica and dipper but her most noticeable feature was her eyes she had a brown one and a blue one

Both Pacifica and dipper slipped out of the bush

Cedric pulled out his own Plasma sheild

Cedric: Who's There!

Gwen: woah you look just like our mom!

Dipper was confused

Dipper: what do you mean dad? Who are you kids and if you don't mind when are we?

Gwen: I'm happy you asked I'm Gwendolyn Pines! The older pine twin

Cedric: I'm Cedric Pines

Sarah: I'm Sarah gleeful!

Then Mabel came out running

Mabel: NO!

Gideon just laughed

Then a portal opened

Dipper: everyone get behind me now!

Out came a red triangle

Kill: hey PineTree! Where's Bill!

Gwen: bill? I though you killed him dad

Dipper: I did!

Before anyone could move or say anything else kill was blasted by a blue beam

The group turned around to see their older counterparts

(Young)Dipper: perfect timing get them out of here I'll meet up with you guys after I take care of Kill!

Cedric: what can you do?

Dipper smiled and let his tattoos come out

Sarah: Uncle dipper can you still do that?

Older dipper:

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