Chapter 6: Fights and ???extra family???

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~£ Previously £~
Ally: oh I think I got that from my dad. And how do you know this much about my parents?
Stormie: one of the reasons we helped you parents protect you was because.....
~£ now £~
Stormie: one of the reasons we helped you parents protect you was because.....
I am best friends with your mom and she is like a sister to me
Ally: so how come I've never met you.
Stormie: ally can I talk to you alone?
Ally: sure
Storm is and ally: *walk out of the house and go to ally's house* *sit on the couch
Ally: so what's up
Stormie: well you did.
Ally: when?
Stormie: when you were born....*was about to continue*
******: Ally is that you?
Ally: yeah ness I'm in the living room with Stormie
Vanessa: who is *walks in and stares at stormie*......
Stormie: *stands up and looks at vanessa* Nessie?
Vanessa: *starts to tear up, runs up and hugs her* is it really you?
Ally: sorry to interrupt anything but how do you two know each other, ness why are you crying, and what am I missing here???
Vanessa: Ally, Stormie was in the delivery room when you were born and she watched us while mom was at work she was practically moms sister and we use to call her our second mom. She is probably the closest thing we have to a mom right now. But when you were 7 she was forbidden to see us, because of the stupid treaty.
Ally: what?
Stormie: yes I was there when you were born, I also saved you from the Ratliff's and took you home but your grandparents took you away from me and they made the treaty that vampires and werewolves are enemies. I'm sorry if you don't believe me but its true they thought I planed it and....*starts to cry*
Ally: *hugs her* It's ok Stormie we get it. So nessa does this mean I get to be with austin?
Vanessa: I guess since I knew him since he was born. I just didn't know that it was that austin I knew since he was like 10 minutes old
Ally: yay thank you thank you thank you. Ok let's go talk about the war with everyone.
Stormie: yeah let's go.
-€ at the lynch house €-
*Authors POV*
Rocky, Riker, Rydel, and Austin are in the living room talking when Stormie, ally, and Vanessa walk in silently. Riker is talking and freezes when he sees Vanessa.
Riker: *breathes heavily* Nessie?
Rydel: what? who is nes...*says while turning around and stares at Vanessa* OMG Vanessa?
Vanessa: Rydel *runs up to her and hugs her*
Rydel: *hugs back and burys her head in Vanessa's neck*
Ally: ok am I the only one who doesn't kno.....
******: *walks in and sees ally* Ally?
Ally: *turns around* RyRy *runs up and jumps into his arms*
Ryland: *catches her and spins her around* *sets her down* hey how have you been?
Austin: *walks up behind Ally and glares at ryland* *wraps his arms around ally and kisses her cheek* hey how do you guess know each other?
Ally: how could I forget the baby lynch
Ryland: hey
Ally: don't deny it
Ryland: ok fine
Ally: wait where is Riker?
Austin: He is frozen on the couch
Ally: *walks over to him and snaps her fingers I front of his face*
Riker: *still frozen*
Ally: where is it that spot that he is very ticklish. Oh yeah *puts her hand on his knee cap and squeezes just below his knee*
Riker: *flinches and giggles* hey stop *pushes her hand away* oh you want to go Marano? *stands up and throws her over his shoulder*
Ally: Austin help *hits Rikers back*
Austin: *stabs Riker in his sides with his fingers*
Riker: *screeches, jerks away from austin, and falls dropping ally*
Austin: *catches ally* well hello sweetie
Ally: why thank you
Ellington: *walks in* hey why are there dog here
Rydel: Ellington stop these are our friends and she's *poinst to vanessa* practically my sister
Ally: hey what about me?
Rydel: sorry Ally but I barely know you
Ally: it's ok, so Stormie lets tell them
Riker: tell us what?
Stormie: Austin and Ally are the prophecy.
Riker: I told you so
Rydel: what
Vanessa: they told me earlier.
Ryland: cool my bro and bestie are the prophecy, sweet
Rocky: awesome
Ellington: say what now *he says with a say what look on his face*
Stormie: yes, they will lead us to victory in the war
Ellington: what war?
Ally: I'm sorry I can't do this. I can't be in the same room as him without wanting to kill him
Ellington: aww is the puppy upset
Austin: dude you should not have said that *sees ally glaring at Ellington* ally please try to control yourself
Ally: I'm trying but please back up
Austin: ok *backs up*
Ellington: why is she mad anyways
-Ally's POV-
OMG he doesn't know how to stop talking and I want to kill him. So I try to.
-end of POV-
Ally: *attacks Ellington* you killed my parents
Rydel: Austin you dog is attacking my boyfriend
Ally: DOG!!! *attacks Rydel*
Vanessa: Ally stop
Ally: *continues attacking Rydel*
Austin: Ally stop *grabs her waist and pulls her off of Rydel*
Ally: *in rage state and scratches Austin's arm to make him let her go*
Austin: *lets go of ally and grabs his arm*
Ally: *attacks Rydel again slowly turning into a werewolf*
Vanessa: Ally enough get off of her
Ally: *ignores vanessa*
Vanessa: *shifts to a wolf and attacks ally pushing her off of Rydel then hovers over Rydel's body snaring, baring her teeth, and barking*
Ally: *fully changes in to her golden-brown werewolf form snarling and baking at Vanessa getting closer each time*
-Austin's POV-
Ally attacked Rydel and Vanessa kept trying to get Ally off of her after she scratched my arm and I let her go, but Ally ignored her leaving Vanessa no choice but to shift into her midnight black werewolf form (she look like Sam from NewMoon) and attacks her causing her to fall off, Vanessa attacked Ally throwing her off of Rydel hoping it would snap her out of her rage state. Ally flew off of Rydel and quickly got up and glared at Vanessa hovering over Rydels body, Ally then shifted into an amazingly beautiful werewolf with gorgeous golden-brown fur with a white chest and solid brown eyes and a little bit of an amber-brown muzzle making her look even cuter than she looked which is very close to impossible for her to look cuter than she is because she is already the cutest thing/person in the world. I was then snapped out of my thoughts of Ally when I hear yelps coming from Vanessa. I come back to the real world to find Ally and Vanessa fighting. Vanessa was now off from on top of Rydel and was now on her hind legs backing up while biting at Ally's neck and back while Ally is biting Vanessa's back legs, stomach, chest, and sides. I panicked, grabbing Vanessa's phone and quickly called.........
Hey sorry but my friend/editor and one of my feedback peps told me to give you a cliffhanger. Sorry for taking so long to update and I am now working on chapter 5 hope you enjoyed and please give me feedback, like, and comment love you all.
Who did Austin call?
Will they Stop Ally and Vanessa from fighting?
What will happen to Ally and Vanessa's relationship?
~£ Camry £~

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