Chapter 21: Horrified pt. 2

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Rikers POV
I was in my room reading a book one of my favorite books. I then hear my phone ring and I look at the time. It is 3:30 AM and I looked at the caller ID. It was ally's phone
"I wonder what she's calling me for" to myself and answered the phone
~ phone convo ~
"Riker?" She said in a frantic voice.
"Ally what's wrong?" I asked in a worried voice.
"It's austin, he is sleeping and he is having a nightmare and I can't get him to wake up. I tried everything. Putting pancakes next to his face, I tried putting ice down his shirt and pants, I tried shaking him, I even drenched him with 3 buckets of water." She said and paused
"Riker I'm scared he hasn't done this before and he was hurting me while I was sleeping. I woke up to him holding me really tight and crying. Riker he is scaring me and I don't know what to do please come over here fast." She said now crying.
"Ally calm down and listen to me." I said and heard her take a few deep breaths.
"Ok I'm ready." she said.
"Ok, leave." I said.
"What?" She asked
"Leave the room. Go somewhere else in the house just stay away from him. If he is having a bad dream where he is hurting something that is attacking him then he might react in his sleep as well and he might hurt you. Just leave the room and lock yourself in Vanessa's room. I'll come get you when I get there. I'll be there in about 5-7 minutes." I said I as calm of a voice I could manage.
"Ok" she whispered and hung up.
I put my phone down and got dressed. I walked out of my room and ran into Rocky
"Hey where are you going?" He asked. I sighed and told him about mine and Ally's conversation on the phone.
"I'll come with you." He said.
"Fine" I said and V.S. out to my car. I got in and Rocky got into the passenger seat. I quickly drove to Ally's house and got out and ran up to the door with Rocky at my side. I V.S. up to Vanessa's room and knocked on the door.
"Ally I'm here you can come out now." I said and she opened the door and jumped into my arms slightly crying.
"It's ok" I said rubbing her back. I wrapped my arms around her and carried her to her room while she cried into my chest. She was shaking like crazy and couldn't stop crying. we walked in and I turned on the light and looked at austin in the bed. Next to the bed was a plate of pancakes, three empty buckets. He was breathing heavily and he was sweating. I set ally on the couch and told Rocky to stay with her. He sat next to her and she sat on his lap and cried herself to sleep. I then left and came back a few minutes later with dead Lynx in my arms.
"Dude it's not the time to snack right now." Rocky said
"I know. It's Austin's favorite so if we cut it open and he smells the blood he with hopefully wake up." I said.
"I don't know. If he smells that blood he will be in Attack mode when he wakes up and he might go for Ally" he said and pointed to her. I sighed and put it down. That plan probably wouldn't work anyways. I then got an idea and looked at Ally. I walked over to her and Rocky put her on the couch and walked into the bathroom. I was about to touch her hand when austin shot up and attacked me. His eye irises were blood shot red and he looked angry. Like really angry. I was really scared and he finally calmed down and his eyes went back to normal. He got off of me and looked at his hands. He then backed up looking scared of everyone and everything. He jumped out the window and left. I then ran over to Ally and shook her. She quickly sat up and looked at the bed and started to panic.
"Where is austin." She asked looking at me.
"Ally calm down your going to hurt the baby." I said crouching next to the couch. She took a few deep breaths to calm herself down and relaxed. She then looked at me again.
"Where is austin?" She asked again
"He left after he woke up and attacked me with blood shot red eyes. He got scared of everything even himself" I said and she got teary eyes.
"My baby left. I want him back. He didn't hurt anyone. I need to find him" she said and stood up and left. I let her go because I knew there was no way for me to talk her out of this.
Hey guys just letting you know that this chapter and the previous chapter are together. Just letting you know. I hope you enjoyed it and until next time.
~ Camry ~

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