Chapter 18: Boy or Girl? Ugh Austin tell me

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~ Previously ~
"Goodnight" we said simultaneously and fell asleep back to back with our puppies.
~ Now ~
Austin's POV.
In the middle of the night I woke up and put the sleeping puppies back into their own bed because I wanted to snuggle with Ally. I laid them next to each other and climbed back in bed with Ally. I couldn't fall asleep so I laid on my back and pulled Ally onto my chest. He head and top half of her body was on me while my arms were around her. I just thought of how I was going to surprise her for her birthday in two days. I look over and see it is 12:03 well since it's the next day her party is now tomorrow. I stayed up and though of how I was going to set it up. Like what color should it be? Red.
Who should I invite?
My family, Trish, Calum, Joe, Her other relatives. I'll have Vanessa call them. And I think I'm going to call Jacob and ask him if he could try to make it. He can invite his friends too.
I then remember that I never actually told Ally if we were having a boy or girl. Ohhhh I know what I'm surprising her with. But I'm not telling you guys. I'll have Vanessa help me with it. I look over at the clock again and see it is 9:43. I quickly get up and go shower. 5 minutes later I walk out and walk over to the dresser and I get out a clean pair of bright pink boxers. I drop my towel and put them on. I then get a pair of white pants on and I get my golden shirt and I put it on. I then grab a leather jacket and I put it on. I walk over to the bed and sit on the side next to my sleeping Ally. I shake her arm and whisper.
"Ally, ally, ally, come on ally it's time to wake up." I say in my sweetest voice and her eyes flutter open and she smiles looking up at me. I lean down and kiss her and she smiles into the kiss. She sits up and leans against the back board. I place my hand on her stomach and I bend over and kiss her stomach. She frowns when she remembers she doesn't actually know what it is.
"Austin you never told me if it is a boy or a girl. Can I please know now?" She asks batting her eye lashes at me.
"I love you but No it's a surprise. You will find out soon enough." I say and she pouts. Then her eyes light up and she evilly grins at me. She tells me to come snuggle with her so I get back on my side of the bed and pull her close. Instead of snuggling she pushes me down and hovers over me kissing me. She then moves her face next to my ear and whispers in a seductive voice.
"Shor please tell me." She whisper.
I flip us so now I'm on top. I then whisper into her ear.
"It's a" I start and she leans forward "Sorry Marie, but I'm not telling you." I say and she groans. I kiss her soft lips and get off her. I pick her up and carry her to the closet. She quickly gets out of my grasp and runs. I try to grab her then I realize where she is going. I let her go and follow her into the bathroom. I hold her hair back while she vomits. She finishes and groans.
"Ugh morning sickness" she says and brushes her teeth. I wrap my arms around her waist and put my head on her shoulder and tickle her cheek with my hair. She giggles and rubs her hands through my hair. She pulls away and tells me to stay here. I sit on the counter and she leaves. A few minutes later she comes back with the two puppies and the bath stuff for them. I smile and walk over to the closet and get out 4 towels. I walk over to the tub and kneel next to it. I turn the tub on and fill it up about 4-5 inches and she hands me Jonny. I set him in and he tries to get out.
"Awe he doesn't like the water." I say and giggle. I grab a cup and fill it with water and pour it over his small body. I do that 2 more times and he is completely wet. Ally hands me the shampoo and i squeeze some into my hand. I then rub it through Jonny's fur and I rinse my hands off. I then thoroughly rinse out his fur and apply conditioner. I clean that out and take him out of the tub and hand him to Ally. She is standing next to me with a towel on her arms and she rocks him like a baby. I then grab a sleeping Jordan and kiss her head and she wakes up. I put her in the tub and she seems calm about it. Ha they are complete opposites. I do the same thing to her that I did to Jonny and she is very pleased when I'm done. I wrap her in a towel and join Ally at the counter to dry them. I set a cold Jordan on the counter and Ally tells me how to dry her fur.
"First scrub her fur gently then rub her fur in the opposite direction it is laying then scrub your hand trough her fur. I will use the blow dryer to finish her fur." She says and I do what she told me. When I'm done with Jordan she is just finishing up with Jonny. She turns off the blow dryer and set Jonny down on the floor. She looks at me and laughs.
"What?" I ask and she laughs harder.
"Your shirt is soaking wet and is covered in wet dog hair." She says and I look down. I screech and she laughs harder. I look at her and glare. I then get an idea and smirk evilly.
"What?" She asks once she's calmed down a bit.
"Ally I want a hug" I say walking closer and her eyes widen she tries to make a run for it but I vampire speed and get a head of her and slam the door. I look at her with mischievous eyes and she backs away. I walk towards her and she screams. I walk closer with my arms out and she puts her hand on my chest.
"At least take off your shirt." she says
"But that's no fun." I say
"Do you want a hug or not?" She says and I roll my eyes. I quickly take off my shirt and throw it into the clothes hamper. I look at her and she is starring at something. I follow her gaze and realize she is starring at my chest and abs. I chuckle and she looks up.
"What?" She asks
"You like what you see huh?" I tease her. she blushes and turns away. I wrap my arms around her and hug her. She then turns around and hugs back. She then falls asleep while hugging me. Damn I forgot about that. I picked her up and carried her to the bed and set her down. I then walked back I into the bathroom and finished drying Jordan. I set her on the ground and she runs to the dog bed. And joins Jonny in a nap. I walk to the closet and get a new shirt on. I then grab clothes for Ally and I walk to her bed and change her into a pair of yellow skinny jeans and a red crop top. I then put on one of my old pilot jackets and a new pair of socks. I put on her red and yellow converses and smile at my beautiful almost fiancé.
She slowly wakes up and looks at herself. She looks up at me and smiles. She gets out of bed and walks into the bathroom. She then screams and I run in.
"What what's wrong?" I ask horrified and afraid that something bad happened. She is in the drawers looking for something.
"I can't find my makeup." She says still rummaging through the drawers. She looks at me through the mirror and glares. I'm looking down looking really guilty. She turns around and crosses her arms. She puts her hand out.
"Give it back." She says and I reach into my pocket. I pull out a thing of lipstick and hand it to her. She sighs and takes it.
"Now give me the rest" she says and I scratch the back of my neck.
"Well I may have, sorta, did burn it. On purpose." I say and her eyes widen.
"But austin how am I going to make myself look beautiful?" She says and I look at her. I look at her face and she already looks too beautiful. To tell you the truth I think she is covering up her real beauty with all of that fake beauty stuff. I walk over to her and grab her waist and look into her eyes.
"Ally you don't need makeup to look beautiful. You are beautiful without it. To tell you the truth I like you better without makeup on. The makeup just hides your real beauty and replaces it with fake beauty. I do like you  with makeup on but I LOVE you without makeup on. You are beautiful just the way you look." I say and she smiles at me. I lean down and kiss her soft lips and we walk down stairs and my mom walks up to us. She smiles at us and greets us.
"Good morning you two." she says smiling.
"Ally do you want to go do something." She asks turning to Ally.
"Yeah I would love to Stormie." Ally says smiling. I give ally a kiss and hug my mom.
"Have a good time you two." I say and Ally walks out to the car with mom. They drive away when I realize. THEY TOOK MY CAR. I groan and walk up to Vanessa's room.
"Hey Vanessa and Joe." I say sitting at the foot of Vanessa's bed.
"Ok so for Ally's party the theme is going to be red, yellow, and orange. Vanessa I need you to call everyone on this list and tell them about the surprise and Joe I need you to call my brothers and my sister to come over and help you set up her party." I say and hand Vanessa a list of people on it she would know and the phone numbers wedge doesn't know on it.
"Their numbers are on the paper." I say and Joe nods his head.
"Vanessa what mall is ally going to want to go to?" I ask and she
"The usual" she says and I smile.
"Ok thanks. I'm not going to come home tonight and neither is ally. We are going to stay at my house while all of you are setting up the party. I'll send stormie over to help after she drops Ally off. Vanessa since you are not aloud to lift heavy things and move a lot, can you watch Jonny and Jordan for me?" I asks and she smiles
"Any time Austin, any time." She says. I say goodbye to them and text my mom to take Ally to go buy some baby toys and what ever she wants I'll pay her back later. I then run back to my house and get everything set up. I then call a house building company and I tell them that I want a house. They said that they have the perfect spot next to the beach and mall and I can check it out in 3 days from tomorrow. I thank them the I go to shower and get dressed in PJs and I set out PJs for Ally. I look at the time and it is 7:30. They sho----- I was rudely interrupted by the doorbell. I walk over and open it to reveal Ally with a bunch of bags on her arms
"Ally, here let me take those." I say and grab all of her bags. I set them down on the couch and grab the clothes for Ally.
"Go change" I said and handed her the clothes.
She takes them and pecks my lips before walking to the bathroom. I smile to myself and start making dinner.
Hey guys. Hope you liked the chapter. And sorry for the people that are reading my other book too and are waiting for my next chapter to come out. I promise I will update soon. The next chapter will be about......well it's a surprise you'll have to wait and read it to find out. Till next time
~ Camry ~

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