Chapter 9: Pregnant or not

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~ Before ~
Austin: hey are you OK?
Ally: yeah but did you use protection
Austin: no but you don't think
~ Now ~
Austin: no but you don't think
Ally: *nods her head yes* actually that's exactly what I'm thinking right now
Austin: ally I'm so sorry I forgot to use protection but if you are pregnant I will not leave you and I will help you every step of the way and be there when you need me, I mean we are soulmates we were made for each other and we are meant to be together so it was bound to happen sooner or later. *he says then hugs her*
Ally: aww thanks Austin I love you
Austin: I love you too ally *leans in to kiss her*
Ally: *puts her hand on his chest and pushes him away* no Austin my mouth tastes like vomit
Austin: fine but I'll be down stairs talking to my mom if you need me. I want that kiss later though
Ally's POV
Well me and austin slept together and now I might be having a kid with him. Not that I'm complaining I want to have a kid and it was bound to happen sooner or later so why not sooner.
After Austin left the bathroom I got up and brushed my teeth and went back into my room and saw Vanessa sitting on my bed looking really worried.
End of POV
Ally: hey Ness are you ok? *sits down I front of Vanessa and looks at her*
Vanessa: yeah are you ok? Are you pregnant?
Ally: Um well I don't know but I hope so. I mean I love Austin and we are meant to be together and it is going to happen sooner or later. So why not now. I can't wait to have a family with him. He is so sweat, kind, loving, gentle, and caring. *smiles*
Vanessa: awe you guys are a great couple.
Ally: awe thanks ness *hugs Vanessa*
Vanessa: but it probably would have been better to wait till you are married
Ally: yeah I hope we get married soon *smiles at the thought of being a Lynch*

With Austin and Stormie

Austin: *walks down the stairs* hey mom what's up
Stormie: *smiles at Austin* we have to get the Ratliff's to apologize to the girls or you could loose your baby and ally wants to get married to you and she wants to get married soon
Austin: *looks down blushing* sorry mom. It just that I love ally a lot and I want to start my life with her already, and I was thinking on getting a ring today and proposing to her on her birthday, can you help me find the right ring? And we don't know if she is pregnant or not
Stormie: *walks over to him and places her hand on his shoulder* trust me she is. And do you know why you are my favorite child. No offense to the others but because you are so much like me. I was the same way. I wanted to start early to have a lot of kids running around the house. And I'd love to help you find a ring and I'll help her find a wedding dress.
Austin: thanks for understanding mom. I love you *hugs her*
Ally: *runs down stairs and jumps on Austin's back laughing*
Austin: hello *swings her around so she is in front of him with her legs wrapped around his waist and her arms around his neck* oh can I have my kiss now?
Austin: what? why?
Ally: because you don't like me
Austin: well duh I don't like you...I love you *kisses her*
Ally: *kisses back*
Stormie: aww you guys will be great parents and congrats guys.
Ally: um....what?
Austin: *sets her down*
Stormie: oh sorry. Yeah your pregnant.
Ally: oh *jumps back into Austin's arms and wraps her legs around his waist*
Austin: *catches her and spins around while hugging her* I love you ally
Ally: I love you to Austin and I can't wait to have a family with you and grow old together.
Austin: I can't wait to have a family with you too I love you with all all of my heart and I will be here with you through the whole thing. I will always be here for you ally
Ally: should we tell the rest of our family?
Austin: yeah let's take Vanessa
Ally : ok. *calls Vanessa*
Vanessa: *comes down stairs* yeah
Ally: we are going to the Lynch's house come on
Vanessa: ok let's go *shifts*
Ally: Austin I'm shifting so I can protect our child I don't trust Rydel and Ellington right now
Austin: ok I understand. And I'll protect you *kisses her*
Ally: *kisses back then pulls away and shifts into a golden-brown werewolf*
Austin: *kisses her muzzle* I love you and will do anything to protect you. Let's go
At the Lynch's house
Ally, Vanessa, Austin, and Stormie: *walk in the house*
Rydel: *starts to walk up to ally* Al--
Vanessa & Austin: *step in front of ally so Rydel can't get to her*
Rydel: guys chill I'm not going to hurt her
Austin: who knows you could say something stupid again
Rydel: why are you so protective all of a sudden. I mean it's not like she is pregnant
Ally: *walks between Austin and vanessa*
Austin: *touches ally's stomach*
Ally: *steps away from him and looks at him* *growls at Austin*
Austin: *looks at her in fear and pulls his hand away and steps back*
Ally: *realizes what she did and steps closer to him and licks his hand then walks over to the couch and lays down leaning against is and starts panting*
Austin: *walks over to Ally* can I sit down?
Ally: *licks his hand*
Austin: *sits down in front of her leaning against the couch*
Ally: *lays down on Austin and puts her head on Austin's chest and looks up a him and licks his chin*
Austin: *looks down at her* get, some rest sweetheart I'll protect you both
Ally: *licks his cheek and lays her head on his lap*
Austin: goodnight I love you *kisses the side of her head* *puts his hand on her stomach* goodnight I love you too *leans over and kisses her stomach*
Ally: *falls asleep*
Rydel: *walks close to ally*
Austin: stop and for your information she is pregnant
Rydel: oh congrats and before I was just trying to say sorry
Ellington: *walks in* hey oh...

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